Chiropractic Care

Here at Essence Chiropractic & Wellness, we specialize in correcting your body’s misalignments. Our goal is to ensure that your spine and the rest of your body are working harmoniously. To do so, we will help you develop a plan that will require light stretching, some exercise, chiropractic care, and a healthy diet.

Chiropractic care focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and the effects these disorders have on the function of the nervous system and general health. Chiropractic treatments allow for the full development of the body’s own ability to heal and we are responsible for facilitating and expediting that healing process to occur. By utilizing multiple chiropractic techniques, we are capable of implementing individualized treatment programs that cater to the needs of every patient that walks through our door.

Reasons to See a Chiropractor:
There are many reasons to consult a Chiropractor at Essence Chiro. The following are some of the most common complaints:

Neck pain
Low back pain
Symptoms associated with sciatic nerve pain
Leg length discrepancies
Postural correction
TMJ disorders
Degenerative joint disease
Performance enhancement
Sore muscles
Athletic injuries
Foot and knee pain
Pain or dysfunction during pregnancy
Prevention and maintenance

If you have any questions regarding restorative care, Contact Us today at (210) 926-5766.

Acupuncture/Dry Needling

Traditional Chinese medicine is based on the philosophy that the universe and the body are opposing forces. The constant flow of energy keeps them balanced. When the flow of energy is blocked, illness will occur. Acupuncture therapy will release blocked energy, resolve the pain, and improve sleep, digestive functions, and sense of well-being.

Our qualified and helpful staff will work with you to ensure that there is no more energy blockage and make sure that you are receiving all of the amazing benefits from acupuncture.

At our office we provide AcuGraph Scan. AcuGraph helps you give more effective acupuncture treatments by providing real-time insight into your meridian energetics. It includes objective measurement and engaging visual displays of meridian data, as well as treatment point recommendations and historical trending to demonstrate results. It does this by measuring electrical skin resistance at representative acupuncture points, by means of an exam. AcuGraph is based on the historic practice of Ryodoraku acupuncture, pioneered over 60 years ago in Japan. 

After the completion of the exam, we are able to move forward with either acupuncture (use of needles) or acupressure (use of laser) treatment. 

Acupuncture also may be useful for but not limited to:

  • Headache

  • Tennis elbow

  • Fibromyalgia, or widespread pain and tenderness of muscle and soft tissue

  • Myofascial pain, caused by a spasm in the muscles

  • Low back pain

  • C-section recovery

  • Pregnancy pain and discomfort

  • TMJ disorder

  • Alleviate symptoms associated with Carpal tunnel


Interested in having a healthier lifestyle, eating cleaner or general support for your condition? Tired of traditional testing and prescriptions? Our goal is to use specialized testing to find the root cause of your problem to be able to further assist you. Set up a virtual consultation with our doctor to further assess your nutritional needs. Testing can be ordered as needed, which can include but are not limited to: P88, GI Map, DUTCH, ALCAT, Female and Male hormone testing and/or routine blood work. We don’t encourage children under the age of one to get tested. 

Nutrition consultation may be useful for but not limited to individuals who have:

  • Skin symptoms, including:

    – Eczema

    – Atopic dermatitis

    – Rashes and urticaria

    – Bags under eyes

  • Chronic headaches/Migraines

  • Food allergies/sensitivities

  • Difficulty conceiving

  • Bowel issues such as: Diarrhea, constipation, IBD, IBS

  • Down Syndrome

  • Autoimmune conditions

  • Musculoskeletal/Joint pain

  • Food Cravings

  • Blood Sugar Imbalances

  • Behavioral symptoms, including:

    – Anxiety

    – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

    – Mood swings

    – Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

GI Map:

The GI-MAP (Microbial Assay Plus) is unique in the field of comprehensive stool testing. It relies exclusively on quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) technology to detect parasites, bacteria, fungi, and more, by targeting the specific DNA of the organisms tested. The GI-MAP's accuracy and reliability allows practitioners to create personalized treatment protocols to address gut dysfunction based on which infections are urgent, which areas of the gut are already optimized, and which areas should be addressed after an infection is resolved.

Additionally, the quantification offers a remarkable ability to see how treatment modalities are working because a retest after treatment can show whether a parasite has resolved, dysbiosis has improved, and more.

The Universal Antibiotic Resistance Genes Panel detects the presence of 55 genetic elements associated with resistance to 10 different classes of antibiotics. Useful for patients who have been hospitalized, treated with antibiotics, or who have stubborn, chronic infections, the Universal AR Genes panel can inform practitioners if antibiotic resistance is a potential stumbling block for patients.

Fecal Gluten Peptide quantitatively evaluates the gluten immunogenic peptide in stool after recent ingestion (within two-four days). Results can guide practitioners to the source of "hidden" gluten exposures – allowing for increased adherence to a proper therapeutic diet.

IgE Allergy Explorer

gE Allergy Explorer is a comprehensive blood test measuring IgE antibodies to a plethora of foods and environmental allergens. The IgE Allergy Explorer tests over 150 allergens at the extract and component level, making it the most extensive and affordable functional medicine allergy test available. Plus, the entire panel is a simple at-home collection using just a few drops of blood.

IgE is a class of human immunoglobulins or antibodies. Normally, the function of IgE is to fight parasitic infections. IgE antibodies are misdirected in allergic individuals to fight harmless substances like pollen, mite particles, or common foods. Elevated IgE antibodies are necessary for allergies (immediate, Type 1 immune responses) to occur.

Allergic reactions occur when the immune system has a misguided reaction what should be a harmless substances leading to symptoms ranging in severity from mild to severe. In some cases, allergies can lead to anaphylaxis, which is potentially life-threatening. Allergies affect approximately 25% of the population, and their incidence is very much on the rise. Additionally, allergies can be difficult to pinpoint and diagnose, especially since the immune system can change over time. For this reason, allergy testing with the IgE Allergy Explorer is essential for effective allergy identification and management.

IgG Food Explorer:

The IgG Food Explorer by Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory is an Elisa-based multiplex food sensitivity test measuring total IgG antibodies to a plethora of foods. IgG Food Explorer evaluates over 250 food antigens using a simple at-home collection. Results help practitioners personalize diet and lifestyle guidance for their patients to reduce and eliminate symptoms related to adverse food reactions. Food sensitivities are an adverse immune system response to ordinarily harmless foods. These food sensitivities are highly individualized, and symptoms are subtle and often delayed. Adverse reactions can occur from 3 to 72 hours after ingesting the offending food.

Elevated IgG antibodies can promote systemic (whole-body) inflammation, leading to a variety of unwanted symptoms. IgG Food Explorer tests immunoglobulin (IgG) antibodies to a variety of common foods. This extensive food sensitivity test can help practitioners pinpoint which foods may be driving symptoms and best prioritize and individualize a diet and lifestyle plan for patients.

Usually, eliminating foods that promote an IgG antibody response can reduce stress on the immune system, lower whole-body inflammation, and help heal the gut. An antibody-guided elimination diet is more reliable and preferable than generalized diet plans or exclusion diets based on food journaling and diet history alone. IgG Food Explorer provides in-depth insight into adverse food reactions and the symptoms they create.

P88-DIY Dietary Antigen Test

The P88-DIY Dietary Antigen Test is the only report to combine IgE, IgG, IgG4 and complement (C3d) reactions to 88 foods all with the convenience of a finger stick but better, a powerful micro-sampling device! Traditional finger sticks typically have you stick your finger, and then collect on a card or piece of paper. While this is a start, there is not nearly enough blood extracted to run tests with many markers. The P88-DIY looks at 4 ways the body reacts to 88 foods, which means enough sample must be obtained to run 352 independent tests.

Comprehensive Heavy Metals Urinalysis

Daily, low-level exposures to toxic elements can accumulate and interfere with healthy cellular, tissue, and whole-body function. Precision Point Diagnostics’ Heavy Metal Urinalysis can be collected over 24 hours, or over a specified collection time, to detect toxic metal exposures. Integrative and functional medicine practitioners often assess heavy metals and nutrients in patients with neurological conditions, fatigue, headaches, heart disease, and even behavioral and learning disorders. This test can be run with a chelation challenge agent to detect total body burden of heavy metals. Urine analysis without a chelation agent gives information about everyday heavy metal exposures, such as arsenic from dietary sources.

Practitioners can also request nutrient elements in addition to toxics, to determine if the patient has adequate stores of protective nutrient elements. With regular testing, treatments to remove toxic metals can be carefully tailored so that treatment is effective, gentle, and only lasts as long as it is needed. Restoring your patients’ balance of nutrient elements and ridding them of harmful toxic metals can turn around illnesses that have been treatment resistant and dramatically improve quality of life.

Symptoms of Heavy Metals

  • Abnormal speech

  • Alzheimer’s disease

  • Anorexia

  • Asthma

  • Fatigue

  • Gingivitis

  • Gut disturbances or diarrhea

  • High blood pressure

  • Insomnia

  • Microcytic hypochromic anemia

  • Osteomalacia

  • Parkinson’s disease

  • Poor immune function

  • Poor memory

  • Renal dysfunction

Female/Male Wellness Panel

The Male and Female Wellness Panels from Precision Point Diagnostics are a highly complete look at a patient’s well being.These panels are an excellent way to start and track any patient’s journey to optimal wellness. It contains a CBC and Chemistry Screen, so you can ensure that your patient is not suffering from anything urgent or life threatening. It also puts you on your path to wellness by including a complete hormone profile, thyroid panel, as well as nutritional markers such as Vitamin D, folate and B12.

The major distinction between the Male Wellness Panel and the Female Wellness Panel are the hormones measured. Order the Female Wellness Panel to get all the major female hormones in serum: estradiol (E2), testosterone, progesterone, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and DHEA. The Male Wellness Panel features total testosterone, total estrogen, and DHEA, as well as prostate health markers, prostatic specific antigen (PSA) and % free PSA. Sex hormone binding globulin is found in both the male and female panels and can help clinicians identify high levels of bound hormones, which can interfere with hormone balance.

This combo test gives high-quality, actionable, clinical information in all the key areas. Don’t fuss with long lists of testing requisition forms. We make your job easier by putting the best tests together into one profile for comprehensive analysis of blood chemistry, hormones, heart disease, metabolic syndrome and key nutritional markers. Individual profiles can be ordered for affordable follow up and monitoring. Developed, trialed, and refined to perfection at a large integrative and functional medicine clinic in the southeastern US, the Male and Female Wellness Panels help you detect and treat the root causes of unexplained chronic illness.

Female Analytes:

This panel includes CBC, CMP, 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D, Cortisol, Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, Ferritin, Folate,
Follicle stimulating hormone, Free Thyroxine, Free Triiodothyronine, Insulin, Luteinizing Hormone, Progesterone,
Sensitive Estradiol, Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, Testosterone, Thyroglobulin Antibody II, Thyroid
Peroxidase Antibodies, Thyroid stimulating Hormone, Total Thyroxine, Total Triiodothyronine, Vitamin B12,
Cholesterol, hs C-Reactive Protein, HBA1C, HDL Cholesterol, Homocysteine, Immunoglobulin A,
Immunoglobulin G, LDL Cholesterol, & Triglyceride.

Male Analytes:

This panel includes CBC, CMP, 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D, Cortisol, Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, Ferritin, Folate,
Follicle stimulating hormone, Free Prostate-specific Antigen, Free Thyroxine, Free Triiodothyronine, Hybritech
Prostate-specific Antigen, Insulin, Sensitive Estradiol, Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, Testosterone,
Thyroglobulin Antibody II, Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies, Thyroid stimulating Hormone, Total Thyroxine, Total
Triiodothyronine, Vitamin B12, Cholesterol, hs C-Reactive Protein, HBA1C, HDL Cholesterol, Homocysteine,
Immunoglobulin A, Immunoglobulin G, LDL Cholesterol, & Triglyceride.

Interested? Fill our the attached forms and submit then on our website. Our staff will contact you to set up the initial consultation with the doctor. Feel free to call us for any specific questions or concerns.

To order supplements, please click on the following links:

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