Round Ligament Pain

Round Ligament Pain

Let’s start with what is the round ligament.  The round ligament is a rope like band of connective tissue that helps anchor your uterus to your pelvis.  It is composed of muscle fibers which means it can contract.  To give you a visual I want you to imagine a hot air balloon.  The basket represents your pelvis, the balloon portion is your uterus and the strings connecting the two are your round ligaments. If the balloon twists, the basket moves or the string becomes uneven there will be dysfunction.  As Webster certified chiropractors we can assess all these areas to determine where the dysfunction is occurring.  Let’s now talk about what the signs and symptoms are.

Signs & Symptoms:

·       Groin pain (can shoot up into hip crest)

·       Short duration of sharp, stabbing, achy cramping pain (1 or both sides)

·       Pain when:

◦       Getting out of bed or chair

◦       Coughing

◦       Rolling over in bed

Why am I getting pain?

            As we discussed before, alignment of the pelvis is important.  Our daily habits and posture affect our hip alignment and muscle function.  Misalignment and muscle dysfunction can contribute to round ligament pain among other issues. In the office we will assess overall pelvic alignment, muscle function and address daily habits to stabilize your pelvis and decrease your pain. 

How do we fix your pain and help you thrive during pregnancy?

            Webster Technique is a specific adjustment technique that balances the pelvic ligaments, sacral misalignment and muscles to reduce torsion to the uterus. It is a gentle technique that can provide relief and help your body function optimally during pregnancy. We would love to help you out and if you would like to schedule visit our website or give us a call!
