Prenatal Care

Reason’s to have a Cesarean

Reason’s to have a Cesarean

As you prepare for birth you may be getting the question of how you plan to deliver. On average 1 in 3 women will have a delivery by cesarean. Take some time during your pregnancy to consider how YOU would like to bring your baby into this world. Talk with your provider about what this looks like for you. Some women truly need to undergo a cesarean in order to birth their baby. Valid reason’s for having a cesarean are:

  • Because YOU want to (there is absolutely no shame in this)

  • Prolapsed umbilical cord

  • Active genital herpes infection

  • Baby is in true distress

  • Maternal health conditions

  • Severe hydrocephalus

  • Baby is transverse

  • Severely displaced pelvic fracture

  • Placenta previa

  • Problem with the placenta

  • Fibroid obstructing birth canal

  • Carrying multiples not in ideal position

  • Baby is transverse

A lot of women can be pressured into scheduling c-sections solely for the convenience of the OB especially if you are due to give birth around the holiday’s. Another common reason women can be pressured to schedule a c-section is because ‘baby is measuring big”. Keep in mind measurements are not always accurate and your body was divinely designed for childbirth. Don’t ever let a provider make you feel as if you are inadequate, especially if you would like to try and have a VBAC. There are also risks to a c-section that traditional providers can tend to forget such as:

  • Uterine rupture

  • Blood clots

  • Hemorrhage

  • Maternal death

  • Postpartum anxiety

  • Women have also shared that undergoing a c-section resulted in birth trauma, fear of failure, guilt, disconnection with partner or baby and fear of another pregnancy.

Sometime’s a c-section truly is necessary or desired, however too often women feel pressured or as if they have no other choice. No matter what your situation is we hope to help you feel supported and informed.

A Guide to a Family Centered C-Section

What is a Family Centered C-section?

A family centered c-section focuses on honoring the mother by making the experience as close to a vaginal delivery as possible. Also known as a gentle c-section, the goal of this approach should be to focus on immediate family bonding and respecting the mother’s wishes. A family centered c-section can look different for each family depending on what the desires of your heart are.

How to Achieve a Family Centered Cesarean

  • Some women initially plan for a vaginal delivery however, sometimes things don’t always go the way we imagined. To avoid added stress we suggest discussing this with your partner and coming up with a plan should you find yourself being rushed in for a c-section. It can be helpful to write this out and have a document ready to present to the doctor.

  • Remember these nurses and doctors work for you. Essentially you are paying them for a service and it is their duty to respect you and your wishes as long as it does not interfere with the health of you and your baby.

  • Be sure to discuss your desires with your midwife or OBGYN prior to delivery and ensure they understand and respect your goals.

  • Having a doula can be a great addition if you are a first time momma. They not only provide labor support but with the right person you can have an advocate there protecting you and your wishes. Giving birth can be a whirlwind experience filled with new feelings and emotions for both you and your partner. Having a neutral person there can be tremendously helpful in so many ways.

    Things to Ask for When Planning a Family Centered C-section

  • A clear surgical drape that allows you to view the birth, or to drop the drape when baby is born

  • Music to listen to during the surgery, this can help calm your nerves

  • Have a nurse or doula take pictures

  • Immediate skin to skin for you and baby

  • Request baby’s assessments be done on your chest or while being held by your partner

  • Delayed cord clamping

  • Immediate breast-feeding if possible/desired

    Benefits of a Family Centered C-section

  • Enhances bonding between mama and baby

  • Reduces stress for mom and baby

  • Regulates baby’s body temp and heart rate

  • Gives you a sense of empowerment and control

  • Creates a more satisfying birth experience


    Birth Plan example linked here. This can be tailored to fit your specific birth preferences.

Evening Primrose Oil

Evening Primrose the small yellow wildflower found in North America, Europe, and parts of Asia that’s most sought-out for its oil. Evening primrose oil is rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid that has been used to treat everything, including:
female reproductive tissues
blood channels
the respiratory passages
nervous system

These days, you can find primrose oil in a variety of beauty products, as well as in supplement form. Below are some ways evening primrose could help.

Relief from skin conditions
Help reduce wrinkles
Slow Hair loss
Heal nerve damage
Lessen symptoms of arthritis
Put hormones in balance
Diminish acne breakouts
Reduce breast pain
Ease PMS

Not only can it help improve all of the symptoms above, but Evening primrose oil is high in GLA, which supports the production of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins can help improve poor blood circulation, maintain normal inflammatory balance, and strengthen immune function. Here at Essence we recommend evening primrose to all of our expecting moms. Why you ask? Women use evening primrose oil in pregnancy for preventing symptoms such as high blood pressure (pre-eclampsia), shortening labor, starting labor, and preventing late deliveries. Inside orthomolecular’s Evening Primrose capsule, includes 1,300 mg of cold-pressed, organically grown evening primrose oil and 117 mg of GLA, in a convenient, high-dose soft gel capsule. It is also free from gluten, corn, yeast, artificial colors or flavors.