6 Steps to Healing your Birth Trauma

6 Steps to Healing your Birth Trauma

As women we often find ourselves carrying burdens and trauma that is unseen to most people. Too often we suppress the things we struggle with just to survive. We play such an important role as mother’s and we owe it to ourselves and our children to face trauma and heal from it. Birth trauma is a common issue among women yet there is still this insecurity when it comes to talking about it. If you are carrying a sense of shame and regret please know that you are not alone. In fact you may be surprised once you open up about your trauma other women will start to feel comfortable sharing their stories of trauma. Below you will find our six steps to healing from your birth trauma,

  1. Be patient with yourself and give yourself permission to feel however you feel

  2. Journal or create art. Find ways to share your story for yourself.

  3. Find someone you trust to share your story with.

  4. Know that each time you share your story, you get to process your feelings in your own way at your own speed.

  5. Be mindful of birthdays, which are anniversaries of your experience.

  6. Healing means the story of your birth becomes apart of your life and a celebration of your strength.

Starting the trend of healing from birth trauma can start with you. Let your story be an inspiration to other women to open up and begin the process of healing. If you have gone through trauma and feel comfortable sharing please feel free to bring it up at your next visit so we can better support you on the road to healing.