C-Section Recovery Tips

C-Section Recovery Tips

With April being Cesarean Awareness Month, we would like to dedicate this months blogs to our c-section mama’s. Whether your c-section was/is planned or unplanned we support you and we admire you. If you find your self recovering from a c-section recently please take some time to acknowledge the fact that you are a strong woman who just went through a major surgery and brought life into this world. There can be a sense of stigma around c-sections but please never discredit yourself and all that you have accomplished. Below you will find a guide to help you through the process of recovering from a c-section.

  1. First off, listen to your body. You just ran the equivalent to a marathon and then some. Don’t do too much too soon. Lean on your support system during this time.

  2. Be sure to care for your wound as instructed by your care provider. When undergoing a c-section typically you’ll stay in the hospital for a few days so you can be monitored. It is important to keep the incision clean to avoid infection. Getting an infection is the last thing you need when you have a new baby to bond with.

  3. Hydrate, Hydrate Hydrate! Staying hydrated is crucial. The first bowel movement after a c-section can be dreadful. However, taking care of yourself will help you through this. Eat warm, soft nourishing foods. Your digestive system is also in the process of recovering, being pregnant and going through a major surgery takes a toll on our body in many ways. Be gentle with your body.

  4. Rest, rest, rest! Again this is a time of recovery and bonding with your baby. Do not lift anything heavier than your baby. During this time do not be afraid to lean on those closest to you for support.

  5. During the healing process your body will develop scar tissue, the most common issues associated with this are pain and core muscle weakness. We suggest doing scar tissue mobilization. You can speak to your doctor about how to do this or look up videos on YouTube. One thing we have learned from personal experience is that doing these exercises in a warm shower make it so much easier.

  6. Treat yourself to some cozy PJs that aren’t too tight around your tummy. We also suggest purchasing some disposable underwear. Traditional underwear can cause some discomfort around your incision. Mama Frida has some options or if you prefer something organic the brand Rael has disposable underwear options too.

  7. Support your body by taking the correct supplements. The first supplement we suggest for any new mom is a good magnesium supplement. After birth your body is depleted of a tremendous amount of minerals, being deficient in these minerals can play a role in postpartum depression, milk supply issues and hormone imbalance. Adding a beef liver supplement is also a great option too because it is nature’s multivitamin and can support you in a number of ways.

  8. Lastly, lean on other mama’s who have walked the path before you. Find someone you trust that you can ask for advice when needed. Just know that you are not alone.

We have an amazon storefront set up specifically for mama’s recovering from c-sections to make it easier when searching for helpful postpartum essentials. See below for the link and keep an eye out for our next blog!

As a friendly reminder, none of this is medical advice.

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