Baby Care & Products

Careha & Co

Once Baybee Boutique and now Careha and Co. Mom and owner, Carley Hall, brings the best handmade and natural products to all of her clients! What started as a creative outlet has flourished to meet the needs of baby and moms alike. She specializes in creating 100% unique and baby safe teething necklaces. Each product is carefully designed, packaged, and shipped all by this amazing super mom and we couldn’t be more proud!

What does Careha + Co. offer?

For your teething baby Careha + Co. has a variety of soothing teething necklaces and rings. Their genuine Baltic Amber Teething Necklace can provide natural relief from the pain and inflammation associated with teething. Baltic Amber has been used for thousands of years to reduce common aches, pains, and inflammation. When worn by your little one the beads act as a natural remedy. It can also be used to alleviate symptoms of colic, gas, and anxiety. The necklaces are not meant to be chewed on or played with but only meant to be worn up against the skin. For our little ones who need more of a physical distraction Careha + Co. make the cutest Mini Flower Teethers. The lightweight and BPA-free chewable silicone beads is great for your teething little ones.

As Carley grew as mom so did her line of products. After her son broke two of her favorite necklaces, Carley began to create one of a kind Teething Necklaces for Mama. Not only are they stylish, they are reliable! They can be used for your teething infant or as a nursing distraction. The necklaces are made from BPA free silicone, food-grade beads with natural maple wood accents. What’s great about these stylish necklaces is that they can be hand washed with mild soap and water and ready to be worn again. Her company even has a Labor and Birth Gemstone Bracelet, designed to bring mamas calmness, strength, and positive vibes.

Not only does this amazing company create unique one of a kind jewelry but they also have a Mother’s Lactation Tea. The tea is specially blended using certified-organic ingredients to help boost milk supply.

With each product being handmade and crafted by the owner herself you are sure to get a one of a kind piece that you and your baby will love!

Baby Wearing


Baby wearing has been around for years and is being utilized all over the world! There are so many reasons why people choose to wear their little ones. Baby wearing is when your little one is placed in a carrier that you wear. This carrier can be a wrap, sling, or structured carrier. Some people do it while they are out and about running their errands, others use to put their little ones to sleep, others use it to get things done around the house or at work. 

Here are some benefits of baby wearing:

  1. A sense of security for baby. After spending 9 months in mamas belly, the new world can be a bit overwhelming! As you wear your baby, they can feel you, smell you, and see you. 

  2. Baby wearing is great for babies who are fussy, have colic, or reflux. Since baby is in an upright position, close to you, and moving they are happier and tend to spit up less.

  3. You can breastfeed! 

  4. Baby wearing puts less pressure on your wrists, arms, and shoulders. 

  5. Great for baby's physical development. This way baby spends less time on their back in car seat, floor, bassinet and swing. 

  6. Gives your arm the freedom to do stuff! You can work on the computer, do the dishes, make dinner, play with your other little one. The possibilities are endless! 

  7. Great workout! You are now carrying 6+ pounds of every time you drop something on the ground do a squat to pick it up ;)

  8. Easier to get to places. It's hard pushing a stroller around in large crowds or places with uneven ground.

  9. Great way to keep strangers and germs away from your baby. Not everyone understands that its not OK to touch a someone else's baby without permission. 

  10. It's a great way to bond! This is great for mom and dad! 

Things to look for when purchasing a carrier:

  1. Material: you want something thats not too thick. If you decide to get a fabric wrap, make sure its breathable because heat rash is a real thing...especially in this Texas heat!

  2. Back support for little babe: Baby's back should be supported in a natural position while their chest and stomach are against yours. Baby should not uncurl or get closer to you after touching their back.

  3. Hip support: The baby's legs should make be in a  "M" position, with their knees being higher than their bottom, and their thighs and bottom carrying more weight. 

  4. Breathable: You want to keep the baby's airway open by keeping their chin off of their chest. Use the two finger trick to make sure that you can fit two fingers between their chin and chest.

  5. Fit: make sure that the baby is snug against you. You want to avoid baby possibly falling out or being too loose in the carrier.

My recommendation:

  1. Tuck & Bundle: this is one of my favorite fabric wraps!

    • It's long, breathable and good quality fabric!

    • It comes in lots of cute colors as well

    • Great ergonomic fit "M" shape 

    • And a bonus is that the wrap is from San Antonio, Texas! Shop local ;)

    • I like this wrap for little ones under the 18 months

    • Can wear little ones up to 25 pounds

    • Machine washable

    • They have a great "how to video" 


  2. Ergobaby Omni 360:

    • I prefer this carrier for little ones after 12 months

    • Grows with baby from week 1 to 48 months

    • Fits babies 7-45 pounds

    • Machine washable

    • You can wear little one in the forward, back or hip carry

    • Great ergonomic fit "M" shape 

    • Has a baby privacy hood, to keep sun or strangers away

Got Milk?

To all of our breastfeeding moms out there, we applaud you! Breastfeeding is no easy task and as moms sometimes we can get frustrated when baby isn’t latching firmly. Many of the care providers as well as moms are unaware of the biomechanical disorders in the infant’s spines and craniums that cause difficulties in breastfeeding. Some of the most common indicators of difficulty with breastfeeding are:

Babies who cannot latch firmly
Babies who can latch and not sustain sucking
Babies who are unable to smoothly coordinate suckling, swallowing, and breathing
Babies who can feed in only one position
Babies who seem dissatisfied when nursing or who remain fussy and distressed throughout the day
Babies who chew and damage the mother’s nipples
Babies who may not feed any better from other devices
Babies who have the need to suck 24/7

So how can we help? Babies with latching issues who see a chiropractor usually respond favorably and most mothers see a huge improvement. The major things a trained pediatric chiropractor will look for are the following:

Do they have a sucking reflex?

All babies are born with this instinctive reflex that allows them to find food and thrive. Although not all babies develop this reflex upon being born. Teaching them through tongue and mouth exercises is one way to work on building the reflex to improve the spontaneous desire to latch.

2. Is the jaw aligned properly?

The jaw is a complicated joint. When nursing it moves in little circles when functioning correctly. If they baby’s jaw is not tracking properly the signs are not always so obvious. Gentle cranial and neck work can help to improve the biomechanics of the jaw, in turn approving latching.

3. Can baby fully rotate his head to nurse?

Finally, we have to look at the ability of the baby to get into proper position to nurse. This allows a good amount of rotation from the neck. This ability comes from the joint at the very top of the spine, the atlas, which spins on top of the axis vertebra. If the bones that make up this joint are misaligned baby’s range of motion will be decreased. Now how does this happen? most of the time it is caused by the stress and pressure of moving through the birth canal during birth. Gentle adjusting can correct this misalignment and allow for more balanced nursing on both sides.

So don’t get discouraged if breastfeeding is not your superpower, we are here to help! Dr. Ashtiani is certified in more than 200+ hours of training in pediatric chiropractic through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). As well as a certification in Tongue and Lip Ties. Now can we promise major changes overnight? No, if you did see them we would be rich by now and be on a beach in the Bahamas somewhere. Breastfeeding is a process and consistency is key!