Diaper Bag Essentials

Diaper Bag Packing List

If you are a new mom you are probably wondering what you really need to pack in the diaper bag. Maybe you have talked with other mom’s or watched videos on YouTube. It can all become very overwhelming. We have personally learned that less is more. Motherhood is really just a series of learning things as you go. Below we have broken it down into a list format to help your “pregnancy brain” digest this better and hopefully get some satisfaction from checking another thing off your nesting to-do list.

  1. A diaper bag- duh! Everyone has different taste. So pick something that you will feel good carrying around. Just make sure it has adequate storage pockets, and that its not too heavy.

  2. Diapers and Wipes.

  3. Extra change of clothes. Warning: At some point your baby will no doubt have an explosion at the worst time possible. We suggest having a couple of spare outfits, one in their current size and one in the next size up. There is nothing worse than going to change your babies poopy diaper and clothes only to realize they have outgrown everything overnight. Trust us on this one. Also add an extra shirt for you, for just in case ;)

  4. Snacks. Either for yourself or baby or both! Someone is bound to get hungry while you are out and about.

  5. Hand Sanitizer. Life is messier when you are a mom. It’s better to have this than to not. Our favorite is Thieves or Everyone.

  6. A cute little zipper pouch to put all your little extra things in whether it be a Paci, booger picker, diaper cream, extra hair ties or all of the above. This will be your saving grace when you find yourself needing something out of the ordinary.

  7. I personally liked to have my baby wrap with me for “just in case” situations that I wanted to baby wear.

  8. Water bottle, electrolytes. Remember to stay hydrated!

As your baby gets older and you get the hang of being a mama you will gain a better understanding of what you and your baby’s needs are. Don’t stress yourself out over what to pack in a diaper bag, I have been there and I am here to tell you to trust your instincts.