GI Map- Things you Need to Know

GI Map- Things you Need to Know

Here at Essence Chiropractic and Wellness we offer many different services to help our patients maintain their health. We take great pride in being able to help people figure out any health issues they or their children may be experiencing. From oral ties, severe eczema, colic and even hormone balance we have been able to help people overcome their struggles. One of the services we offer is a GI Map from Diagnostic Solutions. Once you decide you would like to do a GI Map on yourself or your kiddo expect to do the following:

  • We will send you home with a kit where you will collect a stool sample. The kit will have all the instructions and items necessary to collect the sample. Once you have completed this step you’ll ship it off as soon as possible. Don’t worry there is a pre-paid shipping label in the kit.

  • This kit will include a form for you to fill out your personal information along with insurance information. Depending on your insurance they may be able to file the claim for you. Otherwise you will receive an itemized receipt to provide to your insurance for reimbursement. We advise our patients to plan on paying about $389 for this test. Once the lab receives your sample and information, they will contact you to discuss the process/cost moving forward.

  • The results will be sent to our office and from there we will set up an appointment to discuss the results and set up a treatment plan.

We believe understanding your gut health and treating the unique needs of your gut can have a positive impact on your overall health. This test will analyze the presence of good and bad bacteria in the gut and detect issues like parasites. Having this information will help us create a better treatment plan for any issues you may be experiencing.

Let us know in the comments how the GI Map has helped you along your health journey!