Does my baby have an oral tie?

Does my baby have an oral tie?

You may be asking yourself this question if your baby is having trouble latching on to breastfeed.  There are many factors to consider when breastfeeding becomes an issue, oral ties being one of them. If you feel your baby may have a lip or tongue tie that is affecting their ability to latch on, listen to your motherly instinct and find a provider that can help you troubleshoot the issue.

The two common oral ties are:

  • Lip tie-  when the tissue connecting the lip to gum line is too short and tight

  • Tongue tie- the tissue under the tongue is also tight and can cause issues with the tongues range of motion

Things to Look Out for:

  • Excessive gas and burping

  • Releasing their latch frequently during feeding

  • Pain while nursing

  • Hard time gaining weight

  • Excessive hiccups

  • Does not hold on to a pacifier

  • Baby chomps on the breast/nipple/bottle

  • Clicking while feeding

  • Milk drooling from side of mouth

  • Tongue doesn’t have wide range of motion

Who Can Help:

  • Lactation Consultant- Can help asses the issues and symptoms you are experiencing while providing helpful tips/support

  • Pediatric Dentist- Can release the tie through laser therapy

  • Chiropractor- We provide support before and after oral tie revisions to ensure better recovery, oral and cranial work to release tension regardless of revision

When you schedule your baby’s first visit with us one of the things we do during that initial exam is asses their oral structure, cranium and full spine. We can help you identify whether or not your baby has a tie and what you can do to support them. A lot of times doctors pressure parents into getting a laser procedure done without any therapy, we like to take a chiropractic approach and try to release tension in the mouth with routine adjustments and therapy. We prefer this gentle approach however, if a revision is deemed necessary we can connect you to some of our most trusted providers.


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