Homemade Chocolate Pudding

Homemade Chocolate Pudding

When you become a mom you quickly learn you have to become creative to survive. Especially when it comes to toddlers. It is totally normal for your toddler to go through different stages of eating habits. They are just figuring out everything and I have learned it is best to not pressure them but instead offer them healthy alternatives. I have noticed that including my strong willed little girl in the preparation of her food has made her more likely to eat whatever it is. This stage of development is all about learning to communicate, making this recipe together can be fun for your little and rewarding for you when they eat a nutritious alternative to pudding.


  • Two ripe bananas

  • One ripe avocado

  • Two Tablespoons of Cacao ( We buy ours at Costco)

  • 1/4 cup of raw honey (You can adjust this to your sweetness preference)

  • 1/4 cup of cold water or milk of your choice


  • Add all ingredients to a blender in the order listed above and blend.

  • You should end up with a pudding like consistency!

My daughter likes to call these her chocolate smoothies, we make one just about every morning and its the only way I can sneak in her probiotic or any other supplement I may be giving her that day. Let us know in the comments how you have had to get creative when it comes to surviving those splendid toddler years!