Early Spring Means a Fresh Start

Early Spring Means a Fresh Start

This year the infamous groundhog has predicted an early spring! But if you’re reading this and you live in Texas then you know that our weather just kind of does its own thing. But we can still look forward to and hope for an early spring. By this time most of have pushed our new years resolutions out the window, however lets think of Spring as a chance for a fresh start. Some things to look forward to for this spring are,

  • Planting a garden. This can be a fun project (big or small) to do with your kiddos. Planting a garden means more time outside and fresh veggies, herbs or flowers!

  • Spring cleaning. Making a list of a few things to deep clean can help make spring cleaning feel less daunting. Some of our favorite tasks to accomplish during spring cleaning are:

    • Cleaning out our closets. Donating clothes/toys and reorganizing the closets will really leave you feeling accomplished.

    • Cleaning out the fridges and freezers in your home. This can mean not only clearing out leftovers and forgotten food but also wiping it all down and leaving your fridge looking brand-new.

    • These are just a couple of our suggestions but typically spring cleaning consists of doing things you don’t normally include in your chore routine.

    • And if this year for whatever reason you just don’t have it in you to spring clean, at least open your windows on a nice day and air out your home. There are so many amazing benefits to doing just this!

  • Re-addressing those resolutions you declared at the beginning of the year. You can still accomplish your goals this year, to do this we really encourage writing down your vision for this year. Did you know that when you write something down you are 30 times more likely to accomplish your task? So go ahead and take some time to yourself to really consider your goals and vision for this year and write it down. Put this vision of yours somewhere you will see it consistently.

We hope that Spring brings not only beautiful weather but a chance at a fresh start for you and your family!