Lets Talk Poop

Lets Talk Poop

When you become a mom you will quickly realize that the things that might’ve grossed you out before motherhood won’t affect you. You are going to be peed on, pooped on and even thrown up on at some point during your journey. When you are taking care of your sweet baby all you are going to care about is their well being you aren’t even going to have the time or energy to be grossed out. So let's talk poop.

Baby’s First Poop:

Expect your baby’s first poop to be quite unusual. This unusual poop is referred to as Meconium, its a dark sticky poop that they have been working up while in your womb. Meconium can be difficult to clean up once dried on the bum so we suggest putting something like olive or coconut oil on your baby’s bottom to make it easier to wipe once they have that first bowel movement. They should pass this meconium within the first 24 hours of birth.

Baby’s Poop Before Solids:

If your baby is breastfed expect their diaper to be full of yellowish seedy poop. Believe it or not their poop won’t smell horrible. Their digestive system is still developing and getting the hang of digesting your milk. Formula fed babies typically have larger more in frequent bowel movements and will appear more greenish brown. Now if you start to notice your baby is having major blowouts and seems to be in pain when trying to poop this could be a sign of a food intolerance. Dark green mucous filled poops and sometimes even blood can be a sign of a food allergy. If you are breastfeeding you may need to start an elimination diet to figure out what is causing discomfort in your baby. If your baby is formula fed and you start to notice unusual bowel movements, you may need to switch formulas. Read the ingredient label, you will be surprised at what is put into baby formula. Our top recommended formula is Kabrita, HIPP, HOLLE. 

Pro Tip: Have 1 or 2 wipes already pulled out and ready to go when changing a poopy diaper. This will save you from the frustration of struggling to pull wipes out when cleaning your little ones bum.

Baby’s Poop When eating Solids:

When introducing solids we encourage our mama’s to take their time.. Most doctors will say you can introduce solids around 4 months or start with rice cereal. However, keep in mind your baby’s digestive system is still very new and still developing. For now milk is the best thing for them and easier to digest. Introducing solids will change their poops significantly. For example they will become more solid and you may even see whole bits of food such as blueberries or oats. This would be a sign your baby isn’t properly digesting their food. They could also have more constipation issues, again another sign their digestive system is having trouble breaking down food. Best food to start to support their digestive system is bone broth. At our office, we are a big fan of baby led weaning. Meaning introducing baby to different textures, not just purees, different seasoning and types of foods. It is a very outdated model to stay away from common food allergens early. Also rice cereal doesn’t have much benefits for baby, so there is no need to even give to baby. 

Pro Tip: Signs your baby is ready for solids: Sitting independently, reaching for your food during meal times, their tongue thrust reflux is not as sensitive.

If your baby is having problems pooping and becoming excessively fussy, chiropractic care can help give them some relief. We love helping our new moms navigate all the ups and downs of raising babies and answering your questions. We have been there and we are here to support you!