How to Pick a Pediatrician

How to Pick a Pediatrician

As a first time mom I remember my midwife asking me during one of our appointments if I had decided on a pediatrician. It was something I hadn’t put much thought into because I knew I didn’t want to do the traditional route with my child right away. And it was just one of those things that slipped my mind. It can be so overwhelming planning for the arrival of a new baby and thinking of all the things necessary to take care of a little human. Here at Essence we have a great relationship with numerous pediatricians around San Antonio and can point you in the right direction. Some things to consider when picking a pediatrician are:

  1. Vaccines. It’ll be one of the main things your pediatrician will discuss with you. If you plan not to or delay or do a selective schedule, you might prefer seeing someone who respects this and will not pressure you into anything. If you are unsure we encourage you to do independent research so that you can make an informed decision for your child.

  2. Are you willing to pay out of pocket for a PD? Some pediatricians don’t accept insurance at all if its a private practice. If you find one you like you can always call to see if they accept your insurance or what their rates are.

  3. Look at their ratings and reviews to see what level of experience they offer their patients. You can also ask other fellow mama’s who their kids see to get a feel for who you might align with. Its always nice when you feel like you get that real personable experience with your doctor.

  4. Location is not a big deal for us personally. I would rather travel to see a doctor who respects my decisions as a parent then to see someone next door who is the opposite of that.

  5. Easy access. If they are unavailable, do they have someone else at their office you can see. If its an emergency or somethings last minute, how flexible are they. Do they do house calls. These are all good things to consider.

  6. Up to date with knowledge. How educated and informed are they in breastfeeding, formula options, gross motor milestones, natural options.

It is always important to establish a relationship with a trusted pediatrician in the case your baby gets sick and needs to be seen. You will also want to take them in for their well child visits to ensure they are meeting all their milestones.

Information regarding Vaccines:


  • Book- The Vaccine Friendly Plan (This book was written by a pediatrician and offers information but also alternative vaccine schedules)