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C-Section Recovery Tips

C-Section Recovery Tips

With April being Cesarean Awareness Month, we would like to dedicate this months blogs to our c-section mama’s. Whether your c-section was/is planned or unplanned we support you and we admire you. If you find your self recovering from a c-section recently please take some time to acknowledge the fact that you are a strong woman who just went through a major surgery and brought life into this world. There can be a sense of stigma around c-sections but please never discredit yourself and all that you have accomplished. Below you will find a guide to help you through the process of recovering from a c-section.

  1. First off, listen to your body. You just ran the equivalent to a marathon and then some. Don’t do too much too soon. Lean on your support system during this time.

  2. Be sure to care for your wound as instructed by your care provider. When undergoing a c-section typically you’ll stay in the hospital for a few days so you can be monitored. It is important to keep the incision clean to avoid infection. Getting an infection is the last thing you need when you have a new baby to bond with.

  3. Hydrate, Hydrate Hydrate! Staying hydrated is crucial. The first bowel movement after a c-section can be dreadful. However, taking care of yourself will help you through this. Eat warm, soft nourishing foods. Your digestive system is also in the process of recovering, being pregnant and going through a major surgery takes a toll on our body in many ways. Be gentle with your body.

  4. Rest, rest, rest! Again this is a time of recovery and bonding with your baby. Do not lift anything heavier than your baby. During this time do not be afraid to lean on those closest to you for support.

  5. During the healing process your body will develop scar tissue, the most common issues associated with this are pain and core muscle weakness. We suggest doing scar tissue mobilization. You can speak to your doctor about how to do this or look up videos on YouTube. One thing we have learned from personal experience is that doing these exercises in a warm shower make it so much easier.

  6. Treat yourself to some cozy PJs that aren’t too tight around your tummy. We also suggest purchasing some disposable underwear. Traditional underwear can cause some discomfort around your incision. Mama Frida has some options or if you prefer something organic the brand Rael has disposable underwear options too.

  7. Support your body by taking the correct supplements. The first supplement we suggest for any new mom is a good magnesium supplement. After birth your body is depleted of a tremendous amount of minerals, being deficient in these minerals can play a role in postpartum depression, milk supply issues and hormone imbalance. Adding a beef liver supplement is also a great option too because it is nature’s multivitamin and can support you in a number of ways.

  8. Lastly, lean on other mama’s who have walked the path before you. Find someone you trust that you can ask for advice when needed. Just know that you are not alone.

We have an amazon storefront set up specifically for mama’s recovering from c-sections to make it easier when searching for helpful postpartum essentials. See below for the link and keep an eye out for our next blog!

As a friendly reminder, none of this is medical advice.

Amazon Store

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Prenatal Care, C-section shabnam ashtiani Prenatal Care, C-section shabnam ashtiani

Reason’s to have a Cesarean

Reason’s to have a Cesarean

As you prepare for birth you may be getting the question of how you plan to deliver. On average 1 in 3 women will have a delivery by cesarean. Take some time during your pregnancy to consider how YOU would like to bring your baby into this world. Talk with your provider about what this looks like for you. Some women truly need to undergo a cesarean in order to birth their baby. Valid reason’s for having a cesarean are:

  • Because YOU want to (there is absolutely no shame in this)

  • Prolapsed umbilical cord

  • Active genital herpes infection

  • Baby is in true distress

  • Maternal health conditions

  • Severe hydrocephalus

  • Baby is transverse

  • Severely displaced pelvic fracture

  • Placenta previa

  • Problem with the placenta

  • Fibroid obstructing birth canal

  • Carrying multiples not in ideal position

  • Baby is transverse

A lot of women can be pressured into scheduling c-sections solely for the convenience of the OB especially if you are due to give birth around the holiday’s. Another common reason women can be pressured to schedule a c-section is because ‘baby is measuring big”. Keep in mind measurements are not always accurate and your body was divinely designed for childbirth. Don’t ever let a provider make you feel as if you are inadequate, especially if you would like to try and have a VBAC. There are also risks to a c-section that traditional providers can tend to forget such as:

  • Uterine rupture

  • Blood clots

  • Hemorrhage

  • Maternal death

  • Postpartum anxiety

  • Women have also shared that undergoing a c-section resulted in birth trauma, fear of failure, guilt, disconnection with partner or baby and fear of another pregnancy.

Sometime’s a c-section truly is necessary or desired, however too often women feel pressured or as if they have no other choice. No matter what your situation is we hope to help you feel supported and informed.

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Prenatal Care, C-section shabnam ashtiani Prenatal Care, C-section shabnam ashtiani

A Guide to a Family Centered C-Section

What is a Family Centered C-section?

A family centered c-section focuses on honoring the mother by making the experience as close to a vaginal delivery as possible. Also known as a gentle c-section, the goal of this approach should be to focus on immediate family bonding and respecting the mother’s wishes. A family centered c-section can look different for each family depending on what the desires of your heart are.

How to Achieve a Family Centered Cesarean

  • Some women initially plan for a vaginal delivery however, sometimes things don’t always go the way we imagined. To avoid added stress we suggest discussing this with your partner and coming up with a plan should you find yourself being rushed in for a c-section. It can be helpful to write this out and have a document ready to present to the doctor.

  • Remember these nurses and doctors work for you. Essentially you are paying them for a service and it is their duty to respect you and your wishes as long as it does not interfere with the health of you and your baby.

  • Be sure to discuss your desires with your midwife or OBGYN prior to delivery and ensure they understand and respect your goals.

  • Having a doula can be a great addition if you are a first time momma. They not only provide labor support but with the right person you can have an advocate there protecting you and your wishes. Giving birth can be a whirlwind experience filled with new feelings and emotions for both you and your partner. Having a neutral person there can be tremendously helpful in so many ways.

    Things to Ask for When Planning a Family Centered C-section

  • A clear surgical drape that allows you to view the birth, or to drop the drape when baby is born

  • Music to listen to during the surgery, this can help calm your nerves

  • Have a nurse or doula take pictures

  • Immediate skin to skin for you and baby

  • Request baby’s assessments be done on your chest or while being held by your partner

  • Delayed cord clamping

  • Immediate breast-feeding if possible/desired

    Benefits of a Family Centered C-section

  • Enhances bonding between mama and baby

  • Reduces stress for mom and baby

  • Regulates baby’s body temp and heart rate

  • Gives you a sense of empowerment and control

  • Creates a more satisfying birth experience

    Sources: https://www.northfieldhospital.org/family-centered-cesarean-birth

    Birth Plan example linked here. This can be tailored to fit your specific birth preferences.

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Health & Wellness, DIY shabnam ashtiani Health & Wellness, DIY shabnam ashtiani

Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning: Tips and Tricks

We are in the midst of spring and you may be feeling motivated to take on some spring cleaning. In our household we try to take a more natural approach when it comes to cleaning products because of the chemicals and toxic fumes traditional products contain. When we have little ones in the house it’s best they are not exposed to these products because of all the harmful effects. Using non-toxic cleaning products can also give you the peace of mind should your toddler insist on helping you clean!

Products we love:

  • Thieves from Young Living

  • Branch Basics

  • Aunt Fannie’s

  • Force of Nature

Homemade Cleaning Products:

  1. Spray bottle with equal parts vinegar and distilled water with your favorite essential oil

  2. For scrubbing, sprinkle the surface with baking soda and spray with vinegar

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you decide you want to dive into spring cleaning, to avoid this we suggest writing out a list of the projects you want to tackle. Be sure to include tasks that don’t get done very often like cleaning baseboards or organizing the pantry. You will be surprised where dust can build up! Everyone’s idea of spring cleaning looks different, all that matters is that you and your home feel good once all is said and done. Habits of keeping a clean home include opening the windows 2-3 times a week for at least 15 minutes to freshen up stagnant air. Depending on the weather this can improve your mood too! De-cluttering is also important to keeping your home happy and clean. This can be achieved by donating clothing, toys and any other items that no longer serve the functionality of your home. Packing away winter clothing you won’t be using for many months to come can also help you feel more organized and make your space feel more open. Keeping your home clean can also lead to better health and keep allergies at bay, especially when you use non-toxic products. The most important thing you can do for yourself in your home is ensure the air quality is good. One way to go above and beyond is investing in an air purifier, our favorite is from the brand AirDoctor. We recommend this brand because of the HEPA filtration system they use and the cost effective options they have. Air purifiers are great for anyone who suffers from pet allergies or is sensitive to dust and pollen. If an air purifier is currently not in the budget, adopting some house plants can improve your indoor air quality too!

Our favorite houseplants:

  • Snake plant

  • Spider plant

  • Peace Lily

  • Golden Pathos

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Ilya's Birth Story


I’ve had a hard time trying to find the right words to put together for this. This story definitely didn’t turn out the way I had always imagined. Actually, it’s no where near what I ever thought could happen. They say God doesn’t give you something you can’t handle. I may not understand the why behind it all, but I try to have faith and know that with time things always work themselves out.

I think one reason why I’ve been avoiding writing this, is because I have to give some back story, share some personal information. And well, I’m not the best at opening up and letting people in. But my son deserves to have his birth story shared. Also, other mom’s need to hear the story to know that this can happen to anyone. It doesn't matter how much you know, how many books you’ve read.

So to begin, here are a few things to clarify. My ex and I broke up right before I found out I was pregnant, I think it was actually like 2 days or so before I took the test. And lets just say, it wasn’t the healthiest relationship.

I remember it was a Tuesday when I took the test, I was in so much shock. So scared, confused, lost. I was afraid to tell my family. Didn’t know how to tell my friends. And what was I supposed to tell my patients? I sent a picture of the test to my ex (for the rest of this story I will refer to him as sperm donor, SD). He was too busy to talk. Once he was ready, he came over and we talked, he asked if I would get an abortion. And thats when I knew that I could never look at him the same. Eventually I got enough courage to tell my family and some close friends. Let me tell you, those pregnancy hormones are REAL! Yes, the situation was challenging to begin with but those hormones didn’t help. I feel like my entire first trimester I just cried, all the damn time. But things were happening, and I was gifted this precious baby and it was time to start making decisions. I remember walking into the imaging facility alone to get my first ultrasound done. The technician walked in and started the process, after a few minutes of searching and trying a few different techniques, there he was. My little bean! So tiny! Little by little I started sharing the news with some close friends. I still can’t wrap my brain around the idea that I was chosen to raise this tiny human! How powerful is that? I remember a week before my first official check up, I started bleeding. ‘Thats it,’ I thought. ‘This is why you don’t share the news, because 1 in 4 females has a miscarriage! See what you did!’ I remember talking with a dear friend/patient of mine during her appointment that day and sharing with her what was happening. There are certain things that stick with you, you remember them like they are happening right in front of you. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that moment. She asked if she could pray for baby and I, and in that room we stood with our eyes closed, hands held tight.

I had always wanted a home birth. Being in the birthing world, you see a lot of things that terrify you to never want to be near a hospital. So with that in mind, I decided to hire a midwife. I remember texting Nikki, with San Antonio Nurse Midwife, asking “so if a new patient wanted to hire you but wanted to do an interview privately with you, whats the process?” After texting back and forth, I finally text her saying “ok ok its me, I’m the patient!” haha I’m sure she had figured it out but I felt the need to still say it. We set up my initial consult and I went to her office for the first time ever. Things look so different when you’re the patient! I remember sharing my ultrasound report with her, how I had some bleeding, and now she had to listen for the baby’s heart beat. I swear, it felt like time stopped. I’m sure it was probably just a minute or so until she found his heart beat, but it literally felt like it was 10 minutes! As soon as I heard those fluttering beats, my heart stopped, and I started slowly crying and saying “thats him! thats his heart beat!”

Overall, I was physically really healthy, I did yoga, indoor rock-climbed until my belly got in the way (my midwife had a heart attack when she found out), and walked miles at a time. I ate well, took the needed supplements. I did several birthing classes with my Doula Josie, from Birth Blessings. I had been seeing a therapist prior to pregnancy, and continued to see her during my pregnancy, but more frequently (she did wonders, let me tell ya!). During my pregnancy SD and I fought…a lot. He was out of the country weeks at a time every month. We argued over stupid stuff. There were a lot of empty words and false promises made. I’m an enneagram 8, and if you don’t know anything about enneagrams…a type 8 is outspoken, independent, and a big believer in justice! I CAN NOT STAND people who lie, manipulate or try to cheat. And I will ALWAYS call someone out if needed. So with that being said, our arguments always turned into fights. Sometimes I wonder how can someone see a pregnant person and want to continuously emotionally hurt them? It’s one thing to not be there physically, not be financially involved, but there’s no need to emotionally be hurtful. While all of this is happening, I hadn’t shared much with my family. I was afraid that if they knew what he was doing that they would never forgive him. My biggest fear during the pregnancy was being alone and birthing alone.

So weeks go by, and little man continues to grow, at 37 weeks Nikki came over and did a home visit. I remember being so stressed and worried. At the time I lived downtown, and all I could think of was that “this wasn’t a place to give birth to a new baby. This wasn't the ideal place.” But like they say, baby comes when baby comes. Around 38 weeks I started to cut my hours back at work, I was doing so good, but man by the time 37/38 weeks came…things got physically rough haha! I was wabbling at work, I was so out of breath just from walking to each treatment room. I remember getting my staff ready and my fill in doc prepared for when the day comes. Of course when you decide to go the natural route, there is no “time clock” the way you have one with an OB. Around 38 weeks I was slowing down. All week long, I was waking up around 2 am with braxton hicks contractions. I would drink some water, take some melatonin and go back to sleep. That friday before leaving the office, I remember patients giving me a hug bye haha, I was so confused! I was like “guys I still have so much more time left, I’m a first time mom, he probably won’t come for another month.” Although the entire pregnancy I had been telling my midwife that he was coming early lol. That weekend I went to SeaWorld with my family and my brother was joking that the baby will probably come out if I don’t stop walking. That same weekend I had asked SD to stay the night just in case I went into labor because I was afraid of being alone. I had a weird feeling that it was time. He would show up around 11 pm, sleep on the couch and disappear the next morning before I was up. Sunday night, going into Monday March 9th at 2 am I woke up again with the same contractions I was having all week. I drank some water, took a melatonin pill and laid back down. An hour later, I’m still up, the contractions are still happening….3 hours later still happening. I remember thinking when would it be ok to text my midwife, all the thoughts were going in my head “she has clinic that day. She’s sleeping right now, let her rest. Don’t be that mom that freaks out. Maybe nothings happening.” Finally around 6 am I text her saying “I think we’re having a baby today!” SD heard me get up to make breakfast and I told him “we’re having a baby today.” He said “cool” and went back to sleep. Three hours later, he gets up and asks whats wrong because I was sitting on a birth ball. I remember telling him I was in labor and him saying he has errands to run and that I should be ok if he leaves “since this could take a while.” So there I am, all alone in my room. All the feelings came back, I felt so alone, scared, nervous. I didn’t tell anyone what was happening. I just text my fill in doc asking her to start working and that I wasn’t feeling well. Hours go by before he gets back, when he does I asked him to get lunch. Once he bring the food he says he needs to leave again to run more errands….to be honest who the F runs that much errands?! Also, who does shit like that when someones in labor and leaves them alone? Also, why did I stay so quiet and alone? Why did I let him come back? Why didn’t I call my family or friends or doula? All the questions that I can’t answer to this day. At this point, its around 2 pm and Ive been up for 12 hours, I tried laying down to take a nap because exhaustion can mess up a natural birth. I knew all the things right? I was eating, drinking water and now needed rest. I woke up around 4 and BAM the contractions got real! I remember thinking to my self where the F is this POS?! I called him yelling “WHY THE F WOULD YOU LEAVE A PREGNANT PERSON ALONE?! WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?!” At that time I text my midwife and called my Doula. They both got there around the same time. I had told Nikki that I thought I peed myself just a little and she explained that was my water breaking, haha I guess I always imagined a big gush of waster. I asked Nikki to check me (midwives don’t typically do a cervical exam during your visits, so most patients don’t know if they are dilated or not), she said I was round 5/6 cm 90% effaced. This was good news and it was around 5/6 pm. Unfortunately little man was positioned posterior and my back was in SO much pain. At one point I felt like my body was going to break. I remember laying sideways in bed and my doula trying to put a peanut ball between my legs and me crying asking her to stop because I couldn’t move. They finally got me in the shower, and boy that was a game changer. I just stood there with the hot water hitting my back. At one point I yelled, “there’s blood, I’m bleeding.” Nikki and Josie ran over and they explained that it was just my mucous plug haha. Again, you think you know things until it happens to you. Josie was trying to get me to do squats and other things and to this day I feel so bad, but I remember yelling at her to just leave me alone! And just like that I was alone in the shower. That was probably the scariest moment. I couldnt think. Nothing made sense. I wasn’t logical and couldn’t even try to be. I cried and started talking to baby, “please don’t hurt mama, please come out when you’re ready. you’re safe and I love you so much.” SD was in the living room eating pizza so I was told. I remember feeling so alone, so helpless. I remember thinking “was this how its supposed to feel?” I had Nikki check me again, at this point its probably 9/10 pm and I was 9 cm, 100% effaced. FINALLY, good news! After throwing up a bit and going from standing in the shower to sitting on the toilet to get some assisted squats in, I finally listened to Josie and we started doing squats, and peanut ball stretches, walking….name it we did it. SD walked in the room at one point eating a croissant and I remember grabbing his hand saying “WTF are you eating?!” Imagine, I’m dying in pain, haven’t had food since lunch, half naked, crying, puking, bleeding and this fool is eating! So he leaves the room and Josie, Nikki and I begin to move around and get into different positions. This boys just not coming. Last time Nikki had checked she said “I see his hair!” But he just didn’t want to come out! When I tell you we did all the positions, we did all the damn positions. At one point I was on the couch doing an inversion! Its midnight, were walking up and down the hallway… its 2 am I’m doing squats… 3 am… 4 am, finally by 5 am with a heavy heart I turned to Nikki and said “It’s time, maybe I just need the epidural and my body will relax and he can come out. Maybe I’m just too tense and hes scared.” So Josie and I begin to pack my hospital bag. When you plan for a home birth, you don’t really pack anything. So there I am, 9 cm and 28 hours in labor and packing a hospital bag. I woke up SD and had him drive me to the hospital. Nikki and Josie stayed to clean up and met me at the hospital after I was checked in.

We decided to go to CHOSA downtown because Nikki had worked with Dr. Creedon and it was less than 7 minutes from where I lived. Being in active labor and going through speed bump…haha not fun y’all! I remember wabbling into the hospital, checking my self in. The receptionist was asking ALL the questions…and all I kept thinking is “does she know I’m in labor…like this baby is gonna come out soon.” While she’s getting my insurance info, Dr. Creedon comes to introduce himself. The nurses finally take me back and get me changed. He does a cervical exam and says “Yup, there he is. 9 cm at station 0 you’re almost there. His head is jammed up so I need to rotate him but we’ll do it after they give you the epidural.” At this point Nikki and Josie get there and we talk with Dr. Creedon about my “birth plan.” Its kinda funny because my birth plan is already gone. I knew it, they knew it. He was so nice though, he said I could have delayed cord clap, delayed bath, and skin to skin…and that the only thing that changed is the location of birth and some medication is now involved. He was by far the nicest OB I have ever met. Fast forward, they drug me up and Dr. Creedon goes in and turns little mans head and life is good! The epidural was the most interesting medication, my legs were completely numb but my stomach and back wasn’t and I could still feel the contractions all on the left side.

A couple hours later, Dr. Creedon walks in with a lady next to him. My heart stopped. He looks at me and says “I’m SO sorry to do this, but my shift is over and Dr. Lopiano is going to take care of you. Don’t worry, were on the same team and shell take good care of you.” She introduces herself and ends the conversations with “Just so you know, this could lead into a c-section,” and walks out. SAY WHAT!! WHAT DID SHE JUST SAY?! Nikki and Josie had left to grab some food and when they came back I told them what had happened. Nikki kept trying to reassure me that it was going to be OK, I was healthy, baby was healthy and we had been making progress. I remember looking at her and saying “you and I both know that no OB uses the ‘C’ word unless they have their own agenda.”

And just like that things went down hill. So I had the epidural at this point with no Pitocin, the result of that is slowed contractions. She comes in saying my contractions are slowing and that I should really consider a c-section. I argued with her and she left. Then a few hours later she came back and started saying babys heart rate is dropping and its not good (I really don’t think she realized what I do for a living or that I had a certified nurse midwife with me). So Nikki asks her to show us on the monitor where that is since shes so concerned and her response was “well I guess it’s not that low,” and leaves the room. Basically every hour she would come in with a new threat. To add to it, she examined me and said that she didn’t agree with Dr. Creedon and that I wasn’t 9 cm and that I was only 7 cm and station -3 and according to her I’m not making progress. After she did that, the nurse that had been with me the whole time, lifts my gown and says “I see his head,” in frustration. Finally around 4/5 pm about 38 hours into labor, she comes back and this time she’s ugly! She’s on a mission! She starts saying comments like “your’e being a selfish mom, all because you want a vaginal birth you could potentially be putting your childs life at risk. He could potentially get an infection. Who knows how hes feeling in there. He could be in distress.” and so on. Thats honestly when she broke me. I was so damn exhausted. It’s Tuesday, I hadn’t slept since Saturday, I hadn’t had any food, and my family and friends still didn’t know what was happening. I looked at her and asked her how much longer until her shift was over and she said not until 10 am the next day. I turned to her and said “If you’re going to cut into me at 3 am and call it an emergency, just do it now so there are no complications.” She says ‘ok great’ and leaves to go get prepped. SD asked the nurses if he has time to go eat. I ask him to stay and he replied with “they said I have 30 minutes,” and leaves. I text him that theyre about to roll me to the surgery and he comes up with his food and asks the nurses if he can eat his meal. They looked at hime and told him that he has to stay outside the room and come in when he finishes…and guess what…he did just that. I finally called my sister in law, she got there right before they came to prep me. I just remember looking at her and crying. I couldn’t even talk. She just hugged me and began to remove my earrings. Nikki came over and prayed over my belly, Josie came and gave me a hug and then they rolled me away.

One by one, the nurses and doctors started coming into the surgical room. I kept telling the anesthesiologist that my stomach and back wasn’t numb and he was like “don’t worry it’ll get numb eventually.” When he wiped my back with alcohol I told him that it was cold and he shockingly said “you feel that?!” They gave more epidural, but still not numb, gave morphine, nothing. Finally he removes it all and gives me a spinal tap…and BAM, no sensation. They start the surgery, some time goes by and I asked him how much longer until the baby was born and he replied with “Oh baby is already out, the pediatrician has him.” Not only did this inhumane OB cut me open when it wasn’t medically necessary, but she didnt even have the decency to tell me that my son was born?! She didn’t even show him to me! NOTHING!!! Some more time goes by, and I kept moving my arm and grabbing my chest complaining of chest pain. I remember him falsely reassuring me that its just “referred pain from the uterus.” Thats BS by the way. I asked him how much longer because the OB had said it should be a pretty fast surgery, and he replied with “You don’t ask a great chef how much longer until the food is ready.” I wanted to seriously wanted to punch him at this point. Who TF makes jokes?! Answer my damn question old man! I continued to grab my chest complaining multiple times, then the next thing I remember is waking up. Alone with two other nurses in the same surgery room. They were cleaning up. They began to roll me back to my room, Nikki greeted me and asked if I wanted to see my son. ‘My son!’ I thought, I just had a baby! Little man was born on March 10th, 2020!

I was so loopy! So drugged up! Apprently I text my brother and dad letting them know Ilya was born. I don’t recall the conversation, but my dad showed up ASAP and I was trying to figure out how he found out haha. As soon as I get to the room, the nurses make me do skin to skin and feed him. His glucose levels were low. They had me feed him every hour to help his levels increase, and guess what…they did! That night, I was feeding Ilya and the room was dark, SD was sleeping. I remember looking at my son in the dark and something looked off, I tried to wake up SD but nothing. The nurse luckily walked in and turned on the lights. My IV hard ripped out and I was bleeding out. There was blood all over me, Ilya, and the bed. It looked like one of those horror movies. I will say I had some amazing nurses. She changed me, the baby and the bed. Continued to monitor us all night. The next morning they moved me to the postpartum room and slowly my vitals started to take a turn for the worse. I started to get a fever, my heart rate was above 150 and my oxygen was in the 80s. Dr. Creedon was back and he came in the room. I’ll never forget the look on his face. He sat next to me, took my hand and apologized for how things turned out. He informed me that t I had hemorrhaged during the surgery and lost over 1,000 CCs of blood (thats probably why I was having chest pain). He had two nurses with me the rest of the day. They came in trying to give me pain killers and I vividly remember saying “No thanks, I don’t even take advil guys, I don’t need this.” They looked at each other, gave me the buzzer and said to push it when I was ready for it….less than an hour later I was crying pushing that stupid button asking for the drugs! I had gone 31 yeas without any surgery, 31 years without ever being hospitalized, 31 years without taking narcotics. And here I was, stuck on a bed with a catheter, taking the drugs they were giving me, and not allowed to eat real food. I have never felt so helpless in my life! I literally couldn’t even walk. I still hadn’t slept and its Wednesday at this point. I remember SD and I fighting again because I wanted to sleep and wasn’t feeling good and him saying “stop playing the victim,” all because his mom wanted to come when she wanted to come. Luckily the nurses stepped in and asked his family to leave. My vitals continued to get worse. My night nurse kept coming in every hour because the monitors kept going off. I remember looking at her crying and asking her to just leave me alone so that I can sleep. The next day (Thursday), Dr. Creedon assigned one nurse to be with me the whole day until they stabilized my vitals. They started running tests. They almost did an abdominal and chest MRI to see if there’s internal bleeding or sepsis. But first they ended up doing two rounds of blood transfusions. Thankfully that did the trick. I had my first real meal that Friday night! All while this is happening, fortunately my son was doing amazing! He was latching, eating, no complications. Except the pediatricians kept looking for stuff. They ended up doing 3 tests for jaundice, and every single one was negative. The pediatricians kept saying they were worried about his weight. ALL babies lose weight after birth! My OB was ready to release me, this is also when COVID went a little crazy and people started hoarding toilet paper haha. The pedi on the other hand didnt want to release us. Dr. Creedon, the pedi and I all sat down and at this point I was gonna say whatever I needed to to get out of there! I told her that I had access to formula from my office and can give him that if needed. She looked at me and said “ok good, glad you’re not one of those moms.” I literally almost lost my shit. Dr. Creedon jumped in and said that my midwife is on call and can see my son if needed between that day (Saturday) and Monday. Then she gets up and says ok lets do one more round of testing for jaundice since he looks a little yellow and if its clear we could leave. I started packing, at this point I felt like it was a witch hunt! My nurse came in grabbed my stuff and said “lets get you out of here before they want more testing, his levels are perfect!”

I like to refer to my sons birth as a belly/abdominal birth. I have a little battle scar from it, but it really symbolizes my strength and the beginning of our journey. After going through all of that, I have no fears. Every fear that I had, turned into reality. From being pregnant alone to birthing alone to raising my son by myself. And I’ve faced it. And it’s not that scary! My son is by far the most amazing thing that has happened to me. He has shown me what true unconditional love looks like. Every morning I look at him and am so amazed that he’s a part of me. He is such a huge blessing that I never saw coming and I couldn’t be more thankful!

It’s been six months since I had my son. To this day, I can’t look at the picture Vanessa took of that day without crying. To this day I still question so many things. There are so many ‘what ifs.’ I did a session with Nikki S. from Birthing From Within about my birth to help heal some scars. At the end of the day I know that there was nothing medically wrong. Dr. Lopiano: you stole my birth, you stole my experience, you threatened me, you degraded me, you have no bedside manners, and honestly you have no heart. I hope that you stop birthing babies, because the world needs less OB’s like you. I know that emotionally I didn’t feel safe and supported, as a result my son didn’t feel safe. I think we forget how powerful our mind is! The only thing I regret is having SD be present. I know that thats what started the negative domino affect. But, who would’ve thought that this is how the story would’ve ended?! Who would’ve thought that I would end up with such a ruthless OB? People say you have to forgive to move on. I disagree. I don’t care to forgive SD or the OB. Peoples true colors shine when they go through hardship. At the end of the day, I want to be able to forgive myself for allowing people like them into my life, for allowing people like them to take away and ruin my experience. I remember during my pregnancy his mom had made a comment that I should really consider having him at the birth because its his son too and that it wouldn’t be fair to him if I didn’t. You know what? If you’re reading thing ladies, this is YOUR birth. YOUR journey. YOUR experience. YOU are the pregnant one. If you don’t feel comfortable having someone present during birth, then YOU make the decision. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel guilty for doing whats best for you. If you have a healthcare provider that you don’t agree with, stand you ground! Remember, you’re the one paying them. You hired them. They work for you! And no matter how much education you have, what your background is, when you’re in labor…you’re a patient. Anyone can be taken advantage of and bullied.

So if you’re reading this, I’m sorry that this wasn’t the happiest of stories. But this story has made me the mother I am today. The mother that my son needs. I love you forever and always my sweet angel baby!

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Pediatric Care, Chiropractic Care shabnam ashtiani Pediatric Care, Chiropractic Care shabnam ashtiani

Pediatric Chiropractic Care

Think about taking your child to their first dentist appointment at the age of 46, how would their teeth look? What if you waited this long to take your child to the chiropractor? How many issues could be avoided throughout their childhood just by seeing a chiropractor. Starting your child off early with chiropractic care is a sure way to help your child thrive.

What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic comes from the greek words “praxis” and “cheir” meaning to practice or treat using your hands.
According to the American Chiropractic Association, chiropractic is a health care profession that focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, and the effects of these disorders on general health.

Why do kids need chiropractic?

The first year of a child’s life is the most critical. Babies are going through many different stages, from delivery to breastfeeding, rolling over, crawling and all the way up until they can walk. With all of these changes it’s important that the spine is aligned to help children to reach their milestones on time, if not earlier. At our office, we see babies with latching difficulties, lack of sleep, lack of or slow bowel movements, reflux or torticollis. And a lot of the times, we see kiddos with no complaints, who come in for wellness visits to make sure they’re hitting their milestones. The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association initiated a groundbreaking study on the safety and effectiveness of chiropractic care for children. The preliminary results are outstanding and show that chiropractic care is safe for children. Even more significant is that parents reported three unexpected improvements with their child’s care:
Improved sleeping
Improved behavior and attitude
Improved immune system function

What does chiropractic care involve?

A pediatric session would start with a consultation which goes over any past medical history, issues/difficulties, diet, and physical activity. You will also review any nutritional supplements you or your child may take, eating habits and diet, as nutrition is an important part of a healthy child. Then next step is the exam portion, Dr. Ashtiani will be looking to check for things such as primitive reflexes and depending on the child’s age, and gait analysis. Depending on the child’s age, corrective/strengthening exercises will be given in office to work on muscular imbalance and parents will be given homework to do with their little ones. The next step is the adjustment, any of the following techniques could be used:

Craniosacral Therapy
Logan Technique
Top three things to take home from the first session typically include: strengthening/corrective exercises, diet changes and/or incorporation of nutritional supplements, and the parents looking for subtle changes from visit to visit (if the child had any complaints).

Does it hurt?

Not at all! With pediatric care, we apply a gentle touch, any pressure is equivalent to you feeling a tomato at the grocery store.

How long does it take?

After the initial visit, any follow up appointments can range anywhere from 10-15 minutes.

Is it safe?

Yes! They key to safety in pediatric chiropractic is education. Dr. Ashtiani is trained by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. She has taken more than 200+ hours including the following courses:

Perinatal Care with Webster Certification
Cranial Eval & Adjusting Protocols for the Infant and Child
The Essentials of Chiropractic: Adjusting the Infant and Education in the Perinatal Period

How can I tell if my child’s spine isn’t in alignment?

Some signs to look for are:
Disrupted sleeping patterns
Breastfeeding/latching difficulties
One shoulder higher than the other
Colicy babies
Tummy troubles

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Food & Recipes shabnam ashtiani Food & Recipes shabnam ashtiani

Banana Bread Recipe



  • 1 Cup of Granulated Sugar

  • 2 Cups of All Purporse Flour

  • 3 Large Eggs

  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) Butter

  • 4 Ripe Bananas

  • 1 Teaspoon Baking Soda

  • 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract

  • 1/2 Teaspoon Cinnamon 

  • 1/2 Teaspoon salt

  • Optional: 1 cup of chopped nuts or chocolate chips 

Prep Time:  15 min
Cook time:  50 min 
Total Time:  1 hour 5 min


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease pan with butter and set aside.

  2. In a bowl, heat butter until its melted (I put it in the microwave).

  3. Either in the same bowl or in a mixer, add the bananas and mash.

  4. Add in the vanilla extract and eggs to the same bowl, stir until no yellow streaks of egg remain. 

  5. In a seperate bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking soda, salt and cinnamon. 

  6. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingrediets and mix together. I do this in a mixer, I slowly add the dry ingredients so that I dont get clumps. You can also do it by hand and a spatula. 

  7. Pour the batter into prepared load pan and bake for 45-55 minutes until a toothpick inserted in the center of the bread comes out clean. 

  8. Enjoy! 


Anyone else bored at home and started baking more?! Because I sure have. Maybe its new mom life, maternity leave, quarentine, or a combo of it all. But whatever it is, Martha Stewart would be proud of my skills ;)

Alright, here is my recipe for my favorite banana bread. Feel free to substitue the ingredients for what fits your lifestyle, mine may not be the healthiest for some:

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Baby Care & Products shabnam ashtiani Baby Care & Products shabnam ashtiani

Careha & Co

Once Baybee Boutique and now Careha and Co. Mom and owner, Carley Hall, brings the best handmade and natural products to all of her clients! What started as a creative outlet has flourished to meet the needs of baby and moms alike. She specializes in creating 100% unique and baby safe teething necklaces. Each product is carefully designed, packaged, and shipped all by this amazing super mom and we couldn’t be more proud!

What does Careha + Co. offer?

For your teething baby Careha + Co. has a variety of soothing teething necklaces and rings. Their genuine Baltic Amber Teething Necklace can provide natural relief from the pain and inflammation associated with teething. Baltic Amber has been used for thousands of years to reduce common aches, pains, and inflammation. When worn by your little one the beads act as a natural remedy. It can also be used to alleviate symptoms of colic, gas, and anxiety. The necklaces are not meant to be chewed on or played with but only meant to be worn up against the skin. For our little ones who need more of a physical distraction Careha + Co. make the cutest Mini Flower Teethers. The lightweight and BPA-free chewable silicone beads is great for your teething little ones.

As Carley grew as mom so did her line of products. After her son broke two of her favorite necklaces, Carley began to create one of a kind Teething Necklaces for Mama. Not only are they stylish, they are reliable! They can be used for your teething infant or as a nursing distraction. The necklaces are made from BPA free silicone, food-grade beads with natural maple wood accents. What’s great about these stylish necklaces is that they can be hand washed with mild soap and water and ready to be worn again. Her company even has a Labor and Birth Gemstone Bracelet, designed to bring mamas calmness, strength, and positive vibes.

Not only does this amazing company create unique one of a kind jewelry but they also have a Mother’s Lactation Tea. The tea is specially blended using certified-organic ingredients to help boost milk supply.

With each product being handmade and crafted by the owner herself you are sure to get a one of a kind piece that you and your baby will love!

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Chiropractic Care, Health & Wellness shabnam ashtiani Chiropractic Care, Health & Wellness shabnam ashtiani

Getting to the Point With Acupuncture

What Is Acupuncture? 
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that originated thousands of years ago. It is based on the premise that a blockage or disturbance in the flow of the body’s life energy, or “qi,” can cause health issues. Acupuncture is a method of encouraging the body to promote natural healing and to improve functioning. This is done by inserting “hair like” needles and applying heat or electrical stimulation at very precise acupuncture points to balance the body’s energy, stimulate healing, and promote relaxation.

Uses of Acupuncture
Acupuncture is said to be useful in addressing a variety of health conditions, including:
Chronic Pain
Low back pain
Sinus congestion
Stress and anxiety

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

The number of treatments needed differs from person to person. For complex or long-standing conditions, one or two treatments a week for several months may be recommended. For acute problems, usually fewer visits are required.

Does Acupuncture Really Work?

Yes. In the past 2,000 years, more people have been successfully treated with acupuncture than with all other health modalities combined. Today acupuncture is practiced widely in Asia, the Soviet Union, and in Europe. It is now being used more and more in America by patients and physicians. Acupuncture treatments can be given at the same time other techniques are being used, such as conventional Western medicine, osteopathic or chiropractic adjustments. It is important that your physician-acupuncturist know everything that you are doing, so he or she can help you get the most benefit from all your treatments.

Take it from one of our patients!

Colleen has been coming since October of 2018, for issues with her lower back and elbow pain. Colleen started off with doing our Graston therapy technique. She felt that although the “graston was good, and it made the tissue around her elbow heal, she wasn’t getting the deep relief she needed.” Here at Essence we provide a wide variety of treatments and can tailor individual treatment plans to each and every individual. Dr. Ashtiani then recommended for her to try acupuncture and at first Colleen was hesitant but agreed, she felt Dr. Ashtiani knew just what she was doing. After her first treatment Colleen stated “I immediately felt a difference, as the week went on I continued to feel results. My muscles detensifying, I don’t know if that’s a word but that’s what it felt like. ” Colleen had tried acupuncture once at another office, although it did not help. She stated that as a intense person acupuncture gets her to relax. Colleen now makes her acupuncture appointments a regular thing and loves coming in to feel some relief.

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Baby Care & Products, Pediatric Care shabnam ashtiani Baby Care & Products, Pediatric Care shabnam ashtiani

Baby Wearing


Baby wearing has been around for years and is being utilized all over the world! There are so many reasons why people choose to wear their little ones. Baby wearing is when your little one is placed in a carrier that you wear. This carrier can be a wrap, sling, or structured carrier. Some people do it while they are out and about running their errands, others use to put their little ones to sleep, others use it to get things done around the house or at work. 

Here are some benefits of baby wearing:

  1. A sense of security for baby. After spending 9 months in mamas belly, the new world can be a bit overwhelming! As you wear your baby, they can feel you, smell you, and see you. 

  2. Baby wearing is great for babies who are fussy, have colic, or reflux. Since baby is in an upright position, close to you, and moving they are happier and tend to spit up less.

  3. You can breastfeed! 

  4. Baby wearing puts less pressure on your wrists, arms, and shoulders. 

  5. Great for baby's physical development. This way baby spends less time on their back in car seat, floor, bassinet and swing. 

  6. Gives your arm the freedom to do stuff! You can work on the computer, do the dishes, make dinner, play with your other little one. The possibilities are endless! 

  7. Great workout! You are now carrying 6+ pounds of weight...now every time you drop something on the ground do a squat to pick it up ;)

  8. Easier to get to places. It's hard pushing a stroller around in large crowds or places with uneven ground.

  9. Great way to keep strangers and germs away from your baby. Not everyone understands that its not OK to touch a someone else's baby without permission. 

  10. It's a great way to bond! This is great for mom and dad! 

Things to look for when purchasing a carrier:

  1. Material: you want something thats not too thick. If you decide to get a fabric wrap, make sure its breathable because heat rash is a real thing...especially in this Texas heat!

  2. Back support for little babe: Baby's back should be supported in a natural position while their chest and stomach are against yours. Baby should not uncurl or get closer to you after touching their back.

  3. Hip support: The baby's legs should make be in a  "M" position, with their knees being higher than their bottom, and their thighs and bottom carrying more weight. 

  4. Breathable: You want to keep the baby's airway open by keeping their chin off of their chest. Use the two finger trick to make sure that you can fit two fingers between their chin and chest.

  5. Fit: make sure that the baby is snug against you. You want to avoid baby possibly falling out or being too loose in the carrier.

My recommendation:

  1. Tuck & Bundle: this is one of my favorite fabric wraps!

    • It's long, breathable and good quality fabric!

    • It comes in lots of cute colors as well

    • Great ergonomic fit "M" shape 

    • And a bonus is that the wrap is from San Antonio, Texas! Shop local ;)

    • I like this wrap for little ones under the 18 months

    • Can wear little ones up to 25 pounds

    • Machine washable

    • They have a great "how to video" 

    • https://tuckandbundleshop.com/pages/instructions

  2. Ergobaby Omni 360:

    • I prefer this carrier for little ones after 12 months

    • Grows with baby from week 1 to 48 months

    • Fits babies 7-45 pounds

    • Machine washable

    • You can wear little one in the forward, back or hip carry

    • Great ergonomic fit "M" shape 

    • Has a baby privacy hood, to keep sun or strangers away

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Health & Wellness shabnam ashtiani Health & Wellness shabnam ashtiani

May: National Posture Month

May is national posture month! As of now I’m sure you are having flashbacks of your mother asking you to “sit up straight!” and “don’t slouch!” So many of us today work at sedentary jobs that require us to sit most of the day. While the other half is buried deep into our phones, causing “text neck” To help you celebrate, here are some tips you can use to help remind yourself so your mother doesn’t have to.

Taking the time each day to practice your posture is like riding a bike. The more you practice, the better you’ll get! Here are 5 simple ways to get that perfect posture!

Standing up straight – Do you know a great way to prevent problematic posture? Straighten up! Stand up tall when you think about it. Do this by pretending that you’re standing against a wall, tuck your chin and hold your head up high. Your ears should be centered over your shoulders, your shoulders should be back, your knees straight, your stomach tucked in, and your hips in line with the rest of you.
Don’t slump – At work, the afternoon slump can take on a whole new meaning when it comes to posture. As the day wears on and you get increasingly tired, make sure not to slouch. All you have to do to be successful is sit all the way back in your chair and use a rolled-up towel or cushion to support your lower back. Make sure your knees are at a 90-degree angle and your feet are flat on the floor.
Beware of technology – Yes, yes, we know your smartphone is like an extension of you. But don’t let that technological extension be your downfall. When you tilt your head down to read your email, your favorite chiropractic blog, or to watch that new funny cat video, it puts a lot of stress and strain on your spine. Lift the phone up to meet your eyes and you’ll take a big step toward healthier posture.
Drive tall – We understand you might look cool with your car seat reclined, but it’s not good for your posture. Make sure your seat is as close to the steering wheel as comfortably possible, with your knees slightly bent and at hip level or just above.

Overall poor posture can have a huge impact on your overall health. The obvious sign of a misaligned spine is back pain. Although poor posture can have other effects as well, such as:

Jaw pain
Poor digestion
Breathing problems
Poor circulation

So don’t let poor posture get you down, come in to get that spine aligned! But while you aren’t in our office practice makes perfect! and remember no pressure,no one expects you to have perfect posture 24/7, except maybe your mother.

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Pediatric Care shabnam ashtiani Pediatric Care shabnam ashtiani

Neck Favoring in Infants, When is it a Concern?

Does your little one favor breastfeeding on one side? Do they prefer to sleep with their head turned to one side? Do they struggle and fuss when you try to move their head? Well these are some of the signs that your little one may have a condition that we called torticollis. That's just a fancy term for when the Sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) gets really tight and is in prolonged muscle contraction. 

What causes torticollis?
Babies can be born with it or it can take up to three months for it to show. Unfortunately doctors aren't sure why some babies get torticollis and others don't. Some say that it could be due to the position of the fetus in utero. That can be from a breech or transverse position. During birth, the use of forceps or vacuum devices also makes a baby more likely to develop it. 

What is the Sternocleidomastoid muscle?
This large muscle is located in the neck on both sides. It starts from behind the ear and travels to the collarbone. The action of the muscle is to rotate the head to the opposite direction while laterally bending to the same direction (i.e. right SCM muscle bends the neck to the right and torates it to the left). 

What are some signs and symptoms?

  • They prefer to breastfeed on one side vs the other

  • They prefer looking over one shoulder when help up right vs the other

  • They get fussy when you try to move their head

  • They don't turn their head from side to side on their own (this can be difficult to notice when they are younger)

  • During tummy-time they lay their head to the favored side

  • You may notice flattening on the side and/or back of head on the side they prefer to turn their head to 

How we can help:
We would first do an exam to make sure that your child does have the condition. From there we will start doing some streches and exercises around the neck and shoulder to open up space. After that we will teach the parents how to gently massage your infants neck muscles at home. Following the massage, we will do a gentle neck adjustment to make sure that the joints are moving well without any restrictions. And finally, we will send you home with some homework after you treatment! 

What to do at home in the meantime?
Tummy time, timmy time, tummy time!! It is extremely important to build strength within your child neck so that they can better control their head. This helps with the torticollis and flattening of the head. You can start with 2-3 minutes at a time every couple of hours. Gradually work your way to 10 minutes and eventually you'll be at a point where you wont be noticing the time because baby will enjoy being on their tummy!

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Health & Wellness, Chiropractic Care shabnam ashtiani Health & Wellness, Chiropractic Care shabnam ashtiani

Back Pain is No Joke

Back pain slowing you down from playing with your kids? Or doing your regular workouts? Or doing any outdoor activities?

Here are some causes of back pain:

  • Joint Inflammation- facet joint pain can cause a lot of discomfort when bending backwards or to the side. This inflammation is seen from arthritis and other bone conditions or quick and awkward movements. This pain does not radiate (travel) down the legs, it stays pretty localized. 

  • Bone- the pain can be coming directly from the vertebrae themselves. The vertebrae are the bones that make up your spine. These bones are like any other bone in your body. Meaning they can also have some of the same conditions like a fracture or bone disease. Bone diseases can be seen with a X-ray, DEXA scan or blood test. 

  • Osteoarthritis (OA)- what typically causes this is overuse of the joint from over the years or repetetive movements. OA can have the some of the same symptoms as joint pain. Most people report that they wake up in the morning with a stiff back. If this condition gets worse, it can lead to more serious conditions like spinal canal stenosis where the spinal cord and nerves are affected. 

  • Nerve Root Compression- when most people think of this condition, they think of "sciatica." The sciatic nerve is one of the many nerves thats in your low back, however its not the only nerve. Nerve root compression is when one or more of the nerves in your spine is being pressed on. Most people report the sensation as an electric type of pain. A few conditions can lead to the nerve root compression, but one of the most common ones is a disc herniation. 

  • Disc- The disc is the squishy substance between your vertebrae. It helps the spine and gives it support. I like using the donut analogy. The disc resembels the jelly. When you squeeze the donut, the jelly comes out from the sides. Now when theres too much pressure on the spine, smilar thing can happen with the disc. It can be pushed at different angles. This can be caused from a variety of things like a car accident, falling off of a ladder, or a football tackle. When the disc is compressed it can put pressure on the nerves  which can give you sharp, shooting, radiating pain going down your buttock and possibly leg. This condition can also cause numbness, weakness and tingling sensation of the legs and feet. 

  • Systemic- There are lots of organs around your spine including the ones in the pelvis and stomach which can all refer to your low back. Some of these organs include: pancreas, appendix, ovaries and or kidneys. 

  • Muscle & Ligament- This is by far one of the most common reasons of low back pain that we see in our office. The cause can be as simple as you picking up your child from their bed, or getting the grocery bags from the car, or cutting the grass. The muscles and ligament can get hurt by a sudden movement where the muscles are tight. Your ligaments help support the bones and joints by controlling the movements and stability to where they attach to. Your muscles support your spine by staying tight so that the joint doesnt have to work as hard. A big issue we see in our office is a weak core. Most people have a tendency to rely on their back to do all the heavy work. But in reality we need to focus on our core and buttocks and legs to take pressure off of our low back. 

Here are some exercises that we like:

  • Cat/Cow: get on all fours (hands and knees), make sure your hands are directly under your shoulder and your knees are under your hips. Point your fingers towrads the front of your mat. Place your shins and knees hip-width apart. Center your head in a neutral position and soften your gaze downward. Begin by moving into Cow Pose: Inhale as you drop your belly towards the mat. Lift your chin and chest, and gaze up toward the ceiling. Broaden across your shoulder blades and draw your shoulders away from your ears. Next, move into Cat Pose: As you exhale, draw your belly to your spine and round your back toward the ceiling. The pose should look like a cat stretching its back. Release the crown of your head toward the floor, but don't force your chin to your chest. Inhale, coming back into Cow Pose, and then exhale as you return to Cat Pose.

    • Repeat 5-20 times, and then rest by sitting back on your heels with your torso upright.

  • Bridge: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Extend your arms along the floor, palms flat. Press your feet and arms firmly into the floor. Exhale as you lift your hips toward the ceiling. Draw your tailbone toward your pubic bone, holding your buttocks off the floor. Do not squeeze your glutes or flex your buttocks. Roll your shoulders back and underneath your body. Clasp your hands and extend your arms along the floor beneath your pelvis. Straighten your arms as much as possible, pressing your forearms into the mat. Reach your knuckles toward your heels. Keep your thighs and feet parallel — do not roll to the outer edges of your feet or let your knees drop together. Press your weight evenly across all four corners of both feet. Lengthen your tailbone toward the backs of your knees. Hold for up to one minute. To release, unclasp your hands and place them palms-down alongside your body. Exhale as you slowly roll your spine along the floor, vertebra by vertebra. Allow your knees to drop together.

  • Back extension: Lie on your stomach, facedown, arms straight out in front of you, palms down, and legs straight out behind you. Pull your abs in, as if you’re trying to create a small space between your stomach and the floor. Lift your left arm and right leg about one inch off the floor, and stretch out as much as you can. Hold this position for five slow counts and then lower your arm and leg back down. Repeat the same move with your right arm and left leg. Continue alternating sides until you complete the set.

  • Opposite arm/opposite leg raises: Primary muscles worked: shoulders, gluteal muscles, hamstrings, and stabilization from abdominals (stomach) and lower back. Starting position: Place both hands and knees on the floor with your arms and thighs parallel to each other and perpendicular to the floor. Your knees should be directly under your hips, and your hands should be directly under your shoulders. Keep your elbows soft, not locked. Your head should be in line with the spine, face toward the floor. Your back should be straight but with your natural arch in the lower back. Action: Lift your right arm and left leg slowly off the floor and extend them straight out, so that your leg, back, and arm are roughly in one line. Slowly return to the starting position. Either repeat the exercise all on one side, then the other, or alternate sides as you go.

    • Tips:

      • Do not allow your abdominals to relax and your back to sag.

      • Do not lift your arm and leg excessively high.

      • Stretch as far as possible from your toes to your fingertips.

  • Childs pose: Begin on your hands and knees. Center your breath, and begin to let your thoughts slow down. Turn your awareness inward. Spread your knees wide apart while keeping your big toes touching. Rest your buttocks on your heels. Those with very tight hips can keep their knees and thighs together. Sit up straight and lengthen your spine up through the crown of your head. On an exhalation, bow forward, draping your torso between your thighs. Your heart and chest should rest between or on top of your thighs. Allow your forehead to come to the floor. Keep your arms long and extended, palms facing down. Press back slightly with your hands to keep your buttocks in contact with your heels. Lengthen from your hips to your armpits, and then extend even further through your fingertips. For deeper relaxation, bring your arms back to rest alongside your thighs with your palms facing up. Completely relax your elbows. Let your upper back broaden. Soften and relax your lower back. Allow all tension in your shoulders, arms, and neck to drain away. Keep your gaze drawn inward with your eyes closed. Hold for up to a minute or longer, breathing softly. To release the pose, gently use your hands to walk your torso upright to sit back on your heels.

What we do at our office to help:

  • Acupuncture or Dry needling: Depending on the condition, at our office we like to combine acupuncture and dry needling with electrical stimulation. 

    Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. A key component of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain. Increasingly, it is being used for overall wellness, including stress management. Traditional Chinese medicine explains acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force — known as chi or qi (chee) — believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in your body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, acupuncture practitioners believe that your energy flow will re-balance. In contrast, many Western practitioners view the acupuncture points as places to stimulate nerves, muscles and connective tissue. Some believe that this stimulation boosts your body's natural painkillers.

  • Graston Therapy: You've seen the crazy metal tools on our social media or website!  The Graston Technique is essentially a type of therapy that uses instruments to assist in the mobilization of soft tissues of the body. It is a very popular technique that gives patients a great deal of relief.

    The Graston Technique works by breaking down scar tissue and fascia restrictions that are created by trauma to the soft tissue. This can be the result of strained muscles or pulled tendons. It also reduces restrictions by elongating connective tissue. This effectively changes the structure of the tissue in order to improve function. Although its not a comfortable treatment, it does release a lot of muscle tension! 

  • Myofascial Acoustic Compression Therapy: The source of pain is not always found in the area where the pain seems to be radiating from. This is clinically called referred pain. The distancing of the pain sensation from its source can make treatment more difficult. Diagnosis of referred pain and the recognition of the originating pain triggering points can be accomplished using the PiezoWave. Abnormal musculoskeletal tissue can be “flared” with focused MyACT in order to define the areas that require treatment. This process of defining the origins of pain is guided by the patient through verbal feedback to the healthcare professional providing the treatment. MyACT uses sound waves to break-up any scar tissue buildup. The treatment can be a bit uncomfortable but it doesnt have any lingering discomfort. 

Sources: Mayo Clinic, Ferri's Clinical Advisor, Symptom to Diagnosis 

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Benefits of Wolfberry

Cold and flu season is amongst us! Why is it that we give the flu its own season? I personally prefer to refer to it as "germ season." With the holidays around the corner, change in weather and our schedules getting busy, sometimes we forget to take care of our selves. 
My focus around this time of the year is to make sure that we are keeping our bodies at optimal performace. Giving it that extra TLC and making sure that our immune system is fully supported so that when we do come near people who are sick, we can fight off whatever germs they have! 
I want to start a short series, where every week, I share with yall some of my favorite products (food, supplement, oils, etc) to help keep your body strong.

In China, the wolfberry fruit is more often referred to as “goji” or lycii fruit. They are the bright red fruit of the Lycium barbarum plants. There are over eighty species of wolfberries worldwide that vary in antioxidant and nutritional value. Wolfberries support healthy immune system but they are filled with minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.  They provide a natural source of calcium and magnesium, Vitamin B, antioxidants and more. 

Antioxidants protect our bodies against free radicals. Free radicals are harmful molecules that can damage your cells. Goji berries have a high oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) score of 3,290 (quantity of antioxidants in certain foods).

What's special about the goji berries is that they contain specific antioxidants called Lycium barbarum polysaccharides, which are thought to provide a wide source of health benefits. In addition, goji berries provide 11 essential amino acids. 

As a rough guide, ¼ cup (85 grams) of dried goji berries has about:

  • Calories: 70

  • Sugar: 12 grams

  • Protein: 9 grams

  • Fiber: 6 grams

  • Fat: 0 grams

  • Vitamin A: 150 percent of the RDI

  • Copper: 84 percent of the RDI

  • Selenium: 75 percent of the RDI

  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 63 percent of the RDI

  • Iron: 42 percent of the RDI

  • Vitamin C: 27 percent of the RDI

  • Potassium: 21 percent of the RDI

  • Zinc: 15 percent of the RDI

  • Thiamine: 9 percent of the RDI

Antioxidants like those in goji berries may help fight aging by preventing free radicals from damaging collagen in the skin. Goji berry extract has been linked to anti-cancer activity in both animal and human studies. The potential tumor-inhibiting effects of goji berries are likely due to their ability to boost levels of antioxidants and reduce levels of inflammatory cytokines IL-5 and IL-8 in the blood. Consuming concentrated goji berry extract or juice has been linked to improved energy and feelings of overall well-being.

Ningxia Red:
NingXia Red wolfberry juice incorporates the benefits of Goji berry, yuzu juice, aronia berry and therapeutic essential oils into a powerful antioxidant and nutritionally balanced drink.  This superfruit beverage combines whole Ningxia wolfberry puree; a superfruit blend of blueberry, aronia, cherry, pomegranate, and plum juices; natural stevia extract; grape seed extract; pure vanilla extract; and Orange, Yuzu, Lemon, and Tangerine essential oils. Personally, I drink about 2 oz of this per day. If I feel like everyone around me is sick, then sometimes I up it to 4 oz/day. I also like to make a Ningxia bomb: Ningxia red, Ningxia zyng and Ningxia nitro! I mix all three in a cup and add ice and sip on it throughout the day! 

Supplement Facts:

Serving Size: 1 fl. oz (29.5ml)
Servings per container: about 25 
Calories: 15
Total Carbohydrates: 3 g
Dietary Fiber: <1 g
Sugars: 2g
Sodium: 1mg


Proprietary NingXia Red Blend: Ningxia wolfberry puree (Lycium barbarum), Blueberry juice concentrate (Vaccinium corymbosum), Plum juice concentrate (Prunus domestica), Cherry juice concentrate (Prunus avium), Aronia juice concentrate (Aronia melanocarpa), Pomegranate juice

concentrate (Punica granatum), Proprietary Essential Oil Blend: Grape seed extract (Vitis vinifera), Orange EO (Citrus sinensis), Yuzu EO (Citrus junos), Lemon EO (Citrus limon), Tangerine EO (Citrus reticulata)

Other ingredients: Tartaric acid, Natural blueberryavor, Pure vanilla extract, alic acid, Pectin, Sodium benzoate/natural stevia extract.



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Benefits of Pomegranates

Ok so last week we talk about the benefits of wolfberries. Now lets learn a little about my favorite fruit...the pomegranate!

Growing up, pomegranates were one of the many fruits that we had, expecially during the months of October-February (when they are in season). I remember my mom used to buy about 20+ pomegranates and spend hours getting the seeds out. One of the many things I took for granted haha, because now, I'm the one who has to do that and let me tell you...it can be very time consuming! 
Well, as I got older, I started noticing that a lot of my friends had no idea what a pomegranate fruit was. I even had someone say they don't like it because the fruit is bitter...little did I know that they were eating the white peel and not the actual fruit! 

So, now that we are on our cold and flu series, I wanted to share with yall why I love this fruit and how it can help boost your immune system!

Did you know:

  • That the pomegranate originated in the region extending from modern-day Iran to northern India.

  • The edible fruit is a berry with seeds and pulp produced from the ovary of a single flower.

  • A 100 g (3.5 oz) serving of pomegranate arils provides 12% of the daily value (DV) for vitamin C, 16% DV for vitamin Kand 10% DV for folate.Iran is the second largest producer and largest exporter of pomegranates in the world.

  • Pomegranate seeds are a rich source of dietary fiber (20% DV) which is entirely contained in the edible seeds.

  • Pomegranates contain Punicalagins: are extremely potent antioxidants found in pomegranate juice and peel. They’re so powerful that pomegranate juice has been found to have three times the antioxidant activity of red wine and green tea.

  • ​Pomegranates also contain Punic acid: it's found in the seed oil, and is themain fatty acid in the arils.  It’s a type of conjugated linoleic acid with potent biological effects.

  • Pomegranates have potent anti-inflammatory properties, which are largely mediated by the antioxidant properties of the punicalagins.

  • One 12-week study in people with diabetes found that 1.1 cups (250 ml) of pomegranate juice per day lowered the inflammatory markers CRP and interleukin-6 by 32% and 30%, respectively.

  • In one study, people with hypertension had a significant reduction in blood pressure after consuming 5 ounces (150 ml) of pomegranate juice daily for two weeks.

  • The plant compounds in pomegranate can help fight harmful microorganisms. 

Pomegranates are one of the healthiest foods on the planet, packed with nutrients and powerful plant compounds!

Here is another article that talks about more benefits of my beloved fruit, enjoy :)



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DIY Hand Soap

Alright, lets get rid of those germs! This week, I want to talk about how easy it is to make your own hand soap, also super cheap! 
Anyone else get super dry hands from over washing? Sometimes the chemicals or the fake scents added in the store bought soaps can also irritate your skin and leave them really dry. Back in college I used to buy those Bath & Body soaps ALL the time. The sales they had were probably my favotire thing ever! Then slowly I started to have weird skin reactions. After seeing my dermatologist, she recommended that I switch to unscented products. Well it took me a few year to slowly clean out my products. Going green is hard! But slowly I did it...and ever since then I have had no reactions, no more eczema, and no sensitivities! 
So, here is a simple DIY for you guys. 


  • Dr Bronner's Castile Soap

  • Essential oil of your choice (I used lavender)

  • Vegetable Glycerin (optional)

  • Empty foaming soap bottle (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07MQ4WWQ5/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)

  • Water


  • 1/4 cup of castile soap (https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Bronners-Pure-Castile-Liquid-Soap/dp/B00120VWJ0/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=castile+soap&qid=1575575642&s=home-garden&sr=1-4)

  • 1 teaspoon of vegetable glycerin (this helps makes the soap thicker and smoother texture) (https://www.amazon.com/Solutions-Vegetable-Versatile-Softening-Moisturizing/dp/B0019LWU2K/ref=sr_1_9?keywords=vegetable+glycerin&qid=1575575705&sr=8-9)

  • 5-12 drops of essential oil (depending on how strong you want it to smell) (https://www.youngliving.com/vo/?utm_expid=.2goeNLIsRjmUAsfd0dY2yg.2&utm_referrer=#/enroll/starter-kits)

  • fill the rest with water

  • mix and tada! 

Did you know that the CDC (center for disease control) recommends that you wash your hands for 20 seconds! So a perfect way to get the kids to wash their hands for that long is to sing "Happy Birthday" from beginning to end twice or the "ABC's." 

Now, lets stop spreading those germs since we all have clean hands ;)

Some helpful tips to stay healthy:

  • Wash your hands before eating

  • After using the toilet

  • After touching an animal, their food/treats or waste

  • After touching garbage or taking out the trash

  • After changing a diaper

  • Before and after preparing food (especially when handeling meat products) 

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DIY Thieves Spray

Happy almost Thanksgiving! 
The day before Thanksgiving, you know what that means...cleaning the house and getting ready for everyone to come over, cook, feast, and hangout! 
To follow up with out cold and flu series, I wanted to take some time and talk about cleaning. During the holidays, we tend to visit family more, eat out more often, and travel more. With that in mind, we want to make sure that our immune system is as strong as can be! 
This week I wanted to show ya'll how easy it is to make your own all green, natural cleaner! 

Young Living's Household Thieves Cleaner
Choice of essential oil (optional), I used Christmas Spirit
Empty bottle

Depending on the size of the bottle, you'll fill the cap of the cleaner, I only used a 1/4 of the cap because I have a small bottle. But normally I would use 1-2 cap fulls for the bigger 18-20 oz bottles for my kitchen or bathroom. 
Add that to your empty bottle.
Add water to fill it.
Add 3-7 drops of essential oils, depending on the size of your bottle.
Shake, and use! 
Spray on any surface, then wipe down. 

This is a multi purpose cleaner, so you can used it to clean windows, table, wood, kitchen counter, toilets, bathtubs, kids toys, and so much more! 

The little bottle I made, I use it at resturants, my car or just on the go because its so small! Its great to throw it in your purse or gym bag, and use it as need to wipe surfaces or spills! 

Why Thieves?

Formulated with the enticing aroma of Young Living’s Thieves® essential oil blend, Thieves Household Cleaner
is a concentrated, versatile solution that gives you a deep clean when scrubbing, degreasing, spot cleaning, dusting, and more—all without harsh chemicals. With its spicy- sweet aroma and plant-based formula, Thieves Household Cleaner is great to use around everyone in your family, including pets. Create a clean, welcoming space with the fresh, inviting scent and sparkling clean of Thieves Household Cleaner.

Key Ingredients:

  • Non-ionic surfactants (Alkyl polyglucoside)

  • Anionic surfactants (Sodium methyl-2 sulfolaurate, Disodium 2-sulfolaurate)

  • Thieves essential oil blend

Benefits and Features:

  • Ultra-concentrated, versatile formula

  • Suited for virtually every surface in your home, includingcarpets, floors, counters, glass, walls, and more

  • Effective, deep clean without the harsh or dangerous chemicals found in many traditional cleaning products

  • Plant-based formula

  • No harsh chemical smell

  • Non-abrasive solution that rinses clean and leaves no residue

  • Safe for septic systems

    Check out our youtube to see how easy it is to make your own:

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Vitamin D

Vitamin D is sometimes called the “sunshine vitamin” because it’s produced in your skin in response to sunlight. Your body produces vitamin D naturally when it’s directly exposed to sunlight. Getting the right amount of vitamin D is important for normal growth and development of bones and teeth, as well as improved resistance against certain diseases.

Vitamin D turns on key peptides in your immune system that trigger a strong anti-microbial response, allowing you to quickly and effectively fight off invaders before they can develop into a full-blown infection.

Few foods contain vitamin D naturally. Because of this, some foods are fortified. This means that vitamin D has been added. Foods that contain vitamin D include:

  • salmon

  • sardines

  • egg yolk

  • shrimp

  • milk (fortified)

  • cereal (fortified)

  • yogurt (fortified)

  • orange juice (fortified)

Studies on Vitamin D:

  • "Activated vitamin D is one of the most potent inhibitors of cancer cell growth," says Michael F. Holick, PhD, MD, who heads the Vitamin D, Skin, and Bone Research Laboratory at Boston University School of Medicine.

  • In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in December 2003, of more than 3,000 veterans (ages 50 to 75) at 13 Veterans Affairs medical centers, those who consumed more than 645 IU of vitamin D a day along with more than 4 grams per day of cereal fiber had a 40% reduction in their risk of developing precancerous colon polyps. 

  • A study in the Jan. 13, 2004 issue of Neurology indicated that women who get doses of vitamin D that are typically found in daily multivitamin supplements -- of at least 400 international units -- are 40% less likely to develop multiple sclerosis compared with those not taking over-the-counter supplements.

  • In a report in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society in February 2004, researchers at the University of Basel in Switzerland showed that elderly women who took a vitamin D supplement plus calcium for three months reduced their risk of falling by 49% compared with consuming calcium alone. Those women who had fallen repeatedly in the past seemed to gain the most benefit from vitamin D.

Why we like Liposomal D:
Research suggests a significant portion of the North American population has suboptimal levels of vitamin D. Most holistically oriented health care practitioners regard a blood level of vitamin D between 50 - 100 ng/mL as optimal. The amount of vitamin D in this formula may correct the deficiencies of patients who do not get adequate sun exposure and/or dietary sources of these vitamins. Liposomal D Supreme provides 2500 IU of D3 in each 1-pump serving, making it an ideal choice for those who need higher dosing but prefer to swallow fewer pills. 

Vitamin D is essential for healthy immune function, calcium homeostasis, and more. Owing to their complementary roles in calcium trafficking and skeletal homeostasis, it is recommended to include vitamin K when supplementing vitamin D. Increasing the amount of vitamin D in the presence of inadequate levels of vitamin K may increase the risk of calcium deposition in arteries and soft tissue and have a negative effect on arterial elasticity. Liposomal D Supreme provides vitamin K as both K1 and K2, the latter being required for activation of osteocalcin and matrix Gla protein, critical for bone health and protecting against arterial calcification. 

CAUTION: Vitamin K may adversely interact with anticoagulation drugs known as blood thinners. Patients taking these medications should be medically supervised while taking Liposomal D Supreme. 

Benefits of Liposomal Delivery:

  • Superior absorption and intracellular delivery of nutrients 

  • Phospholipid structure allows for effective delivery of compounds with different solubilities carried within the same particle (e.g., water- and lipid-soluble compounds) 

  • Penetrates the blood-brain barrier 

  • Survives the acidic environment of the stomach, ensuring intestinal uptake and delivery to the lymphatic system 

  • Convenient for those who prefer to swallow fewer pills; also allow for easy dosing

Why we like this product:

  • Vegetarian 

  • Dairy Free

  • Gluten Free

  • Soy Free

  • Non-GMO

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Elderberry Syrup

With the holiday parties, traveling and all the shopping thats happening in the next few weeks, I try my best to keep my immune system as strong as possible. That means eating a whole foods diet, drinking lots of water, and increasing my antioxidant intake. 
We've spent a few weeks talking about different ways to get antioxidants like pomegranates and wolfberries. Now lets talk about Elderberry! 

What is Elderberry?
Elderberries are the fruit of the Sambucus tree. The most common type is the Sambucus nigra.


  • High in dietary fiber: Elderberries contain 7 grams of fiber per 100 grams of fresh berries, which is over one-quarter of the recommended daily intake

  • Rich in anthocyanins: These compounds give the fruit its characteristic dark black-purple color and are a strong antioxidant with anti-inflammatory effects

  • A good source of flavonols: Elderberry contains the antioxidant flavonols quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin. The flowers contain up to 10 times more flavonols than the berries

  • High in vitamin C: There are 6–35 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of fruit, which accounts for up to 60% of the recommended daily intake

  • A good source of phenolic acids: These compounds are powerful antioxidants that can help reduce damage from oxidative stress in the body

100 grams of fresh berries contain 73 calories, 18.4 grams of carbs and less than 1 gram each of fat and protein. Do not eat raw elderberries, as they can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is also worth noting that elderberry syrup often contains high levels of sugar.


  • Organic dried elderberry (1/2 cup): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01AGMMLU8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

  • Water (3.5 cups)

  • Cinnamon sticks (1 stick): https://www.amazon.com/McCormick-Gourmet-Fancy-Stick-Cinnamon/dp/B0005YWD1U/ref=sr_1_11?crid=1UE98PAPC16FT&keywords=cinnamon+sticks&qid=1576438033&s=grocery&sprefix=cinnamon+%2Cgrocery%2C170&sr=1-11

  • Ginger (few small pieces)

  • Raw honey

  • Cheese cloth/nut milk bag: https://www.amazon.com/Home-Premium-Food-Grade-Almond/dp/B00158U8DU/ref=sr_1_8?crid=1AIAIU3PTXUIF&keywords=nut+milk+bag&qid=1576438184&s=grocery&sprefix=nut+milk%2Cgrocery%2C192&sr=1-8


  • In a pressure cooker, add dried elderberries, water, cinnamon stick, ginger and water. 

  • I use the soup setting and set it for 20 minutes. 

  • Once done, remove and drain, seperate syrup from ingredients. 

  • Use the cheese cloth to pour in ingredients and squeeze the remainder of the syrup out.

  • Let the syrup cool down for 5-7 minutes.

  • Mix in honey. (do not add in honey for children under the age of 1)

  • Pour into container (mason jar is what I used) and store in the fridge. 


Prevention Dosing:

  • 6 months to 1 year: Elderberry syrup without honey 5 drops twice a day

    • Please note that it would be appropriate to treat this as a new food for the youngest infants i.e. try one dose and wait 3-5 days to ensure no reaction before starting another new food and/or starting a daily regimen.

  • One year and older:

    •  20 lbs to 30 lbs: Elderberry syrup 1/2 tsp twice a day

    • 30 lbs to 90 lbs: Elderberry syrup 1 tsp twice a day

  • Adults including pregnant and breastfeeding mothers:

    • Elderberry syrup 1 to 2 tsp twice a day

Treatment Dosing: (as soon as a child appears to be starting a cold):

  • 6 months to 1 year: Elderberry syrup without honey 10 drops every 4 hours

    • As above, please note that it would be appropriate to treat this as a new food for the youngest infants i.e. try one dose and wait 3-5 days to ensure no reaction before starting another new food and/or starting a daily regimen.

  • One year and older:

    •  20 lbs to 30 lbs: Elderberry syrup 1/2 tsp every 4 hours

    • 30 lbs to 90 lbs: Elderberry syrup 1 tsp every 4 hours

  • Adults including pregnant and breastfeeding mothers:

    • Elderberry syrup 1 to 2 tsp every 4 hours

Youtube video:

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Benefits of Grapefruit

Next on our series of cold and flu talk...the beloved grapefruit! This is probably one of my top three favorite fruits. 

Here are some ways to include it in your diet:

  • Eat it as a whole for breakfast, cut in hlaf and scoop out the goodness!

  • Juice the fruit and drink 4-6 oz with your breakfast

  • Have it as a mid day snack with some nuts

  • cut up the fruit and add it to your salad

  • Add it to your smoothie with other fruits and veggies

  • Add it to a yogurt parfait or acai bowl 

Here are some of the major nutrients found in half of a medium-sized grapefruit:

  • Calories: 52

  • Carbs: 13 grams

  • Protein: 1 gram

  • Fiber: 2 grams

  • Vitamin C: 64% of the RDI

  • Vitamin A: 28% of the RDI

  • Potassium: 5% of the RDI

  • Thiamine: 4% of the RDI

  • Folate: 4% of the RDI

  • Magnesium: 3% of the RDIT

This fruit  is a rich source of some powerful antioxidant plant compounds, which are likely responsible for many of its health benefits. Antioxidants protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals, which are unstable molecules that may cause harmful reactions in your body. 

Most important antioxidants in grapefruit: 

  • Vitamin C: A powerful, water-soluble antioxidant that is present in high amounts in grapefruit. It may protect cells from damage that often leads to heart disease and cancer.

  • Beta-carotene: It's converted into vitamin A in the body and thought to help reduce the risk of some chronic conditions, including heart disease, cancer and eye-related disorders like macular degeneration.

  • Lycopene: Known for its potential ability to prevent the development of certain types of cancer, especially prostate cancer. May also help slow the growth of tumors and decrease the side effects of common cancer treatments.

  • Flavanones: Their anti-inflammatory properties have been shown to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease.

Medication Interaction:
The medications most likely to interact with grapefruit include-

  • Immunosuppressants

  • Benzodiazepines

  • Most calcium channel blockers

  • Indinavir

  • Carbamazepine

  • Some statins

If you are taking any of these medications, talk with your doctor before adding grapefruit to your diet.


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