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Dairy Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars

Dairy Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars

If you are a dairy free breastfeeding mama with a sweet tooth then this recipe is for you. As Mother’s we sacrifice so much for our babies and sometimes this includes our favorite foods. Breastfeeding is challenging enough, throw in baby’s dairy sensitivity and it can just about feel like the end of the world. On top of constantly being hungry you now have to watch what you eat for the sake of your baby. It can be so disheartening when all you want is a sweet treat but there is nothing that fits your dietary restrictions. It can be difficult to overcome all the feelings that come with this constant struggle but let me encourage you,

  • Your body is creating a very specialized milk for your baby

  • You are accomplishing something that only YOU can do for your baby

  • Be proud and know that you are a rockstar

  • Give yourself GRACE, giving up dairy or any other food triggers is harder than anyone could ever imagine

  • Lastly, shift your perspective. Focus on all the things you can have and try to be creative with food

Now, after you have reflected on what an amazing mom you are go reward yourself and make this delicious treat!


  • 1/2 cup of melted coconut oil (you could do 3/4 if you prefer softer bars)

  • 1 cup of packed light brown sugar (or coconut brow sugar)

  • 1 egg (room temperature)

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • 2 cups of all purpose Einkorn Flour (Jovial brand can be found at HEB or Whole Foods)

  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda

  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt ( We love Redmond’s )

  • 1 cup of dairy free chocolate chips


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees

  • In a large bowl mix coconut oil, brown sugar, egg and vanilla

  • Add the rest of the ingredients minus the chocolate.

  • Mix until just combined then you can gently fold in the chocolate chips

  • Transfer the mixture into an 8x8 baking dish lined with parchment paper

  • Bake for 20-22 minutes

  • Once you pull your treat out of the oven garnish it with flaky sea salt and enjoy!

Share these with another mama who may be going through the same struggle as you. There is comfort to be found in knowing you are not the only one having a hard time.

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The Benefits of Consistent Chiropractic Care

If you have been hesitant about exploring chiropractic care then this blog is for you!

Along with eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly, seeing a chiropractor on a regular basis can play a key role in the goals you have for your health. There is so much more to health than eating healthy and exercising. Building a strong foundation for your health means doing more than just eating healthy and exercising. Consistent chiropractic care is certainly an investment but it is well worth it because this kind of care focuses on the body as a whole. Patients seek chiropractic care for the following reasons:

  • Improve posture

  • Chronic headaches

  • Breastfeeding issues

  • Delayed milestones

  • Ear infections

  • Headaches

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Trigger finger

  • Tennis elbow

  • Back pain

  • Stiffness/soreness

  • Aches and pains associated with pregnancy

  • And so much more!

Building a trusted relationship with a chiropractor is wonderful because of the personalized care you receive. Traditional doctors are usually quick to give you a band aid solution which can sometimes cause more issues. At Essence Chiropractic and Wellness we pride ourselves in helping your body heal itself naturally by supporting it with specific and intentional techniques tailored to you. Our goal is to educate

our patients and give them the tools and resources they need to maintain optimal health.

For example, long term chiropractic care can help alleviate common wear and tear effects on your body such as spinal stenosis. Believe it or not there will come a time in your life where your body won’t recover as fast or easily as it once did. Before you know it the effects will catch up to you and you will find yourself wishing you had invested in your health more.

We want you to be happy and healthy- let us help!

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Introducing Solids: When and How

Introducing Solids: When and How

There are a lot of unknowns you will come across when you are trying to figure out the best way to raise your baby. One of those things will be when you should start to introduce solids. Traditional doctors usually suggest around 4 months or when baby can sit up on their own. However you will quickly learn there are a lot of mixed opinions on this. First we want to encourage you to do what you feel as a parent is best for you and your baby. Nobody is responsible for your baby like you are. Here are some things to consider when you start to think about introducing solids.

  • Is your baby showing interest in the food they see you eating? If not then they may not be ready for solids. Never force your baby into starting solids before they are ready. People often overlook the natural instincts we are all born with. Baby should reach, try to grab, or smack their mouth while you try to eat.

  • Baby should be able to sit independently, a few falls are fine but no balance means not ready. They need the core and neck strength to be able to safely support eating.

  • Babys have a reflux called the tongue thrust, basically when theres food in their mouth they immediately throw it back out or spit it out. This tells us that baby is not ready. Once you feed baby and they keep food in their mouth that means baby is also ready to start solids.

  • You may hear the term “Baby Led Weaning” thrown around. This approach lets the baby lead the way by offering them a selection of baby friendly foods at family meal time and letting them explore the foods with their hands and picking up what they choose to eat. This could look like a plate of soft carrots, pieces of chicken to suck on and avocado. Babies are typically able to pick up foods around 6 months. Taking the baby led weaning approach helps your baby develop a sense of independence and exposes them to different food textures. It also helps with their palmer grasp and eventually their pincer grasp, along with hand-eye coordination.

  • What should babies first foods be? You will often be encouraged to give your baby rice cereal, however this is outdated advice. Rice and oats are very difficult for your baby’s digestive system to break down properly. Giving them hard to digest foods can cause issues in the long run. We suggest starting with bone broth, homemade or store bought. A brand we like is Kettle Fire. This will help the gut microbiome to prep for solids that you will introduce.

  • When introducing new foods to baby we always encourage parents to pay close attention to how baby reacts. For example, if you notice redness or hives form around your baby’s mouth as they are eating this could be a sign of a food sensitivity and/or allergy.

  • As babies start to eat more solids you will notice the consistency of their poops change. Make sure they are still drinking an adequate amount of breastmilk or formula and water. Once baby is six months old they can start drinking water.

  • Momma you may be wondering if you have to stop breastfeeding once you introduce solids. The answer is no. Continue breastfeeding until baby is at least one year old or longer if you choose. Breastmilk and formula is the number one source of nutrients under the age of one. So no rush with introducing solids.

  • If you start with BLW, know that the first month will be just exploration, lots of mess and playing. After that baby will begin to slowly eat and throw less. By 8 months baby will have 1-2 meals per day of solids. and by 10 months baby will have 2-3 meals per day. By 12 months, baby will have 3 meals and a few snacks per day. We like: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. You can mix in nursing sessions in between if you still nurse.

  • Educate yourself in infant and child CPR. We encourage parents to be prepared for the unexpected and ready to assist any child that may start to choke on their food.

There is so much to be said about introducing solids to your baby. The most important thing to take away from this blog is to see what works best for you and your baby. And if you ever find yourself in need of guidance or advice you are welcome to bring it up at your next appointment!

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GI Map- Things you Need to Know

GI Map- Things you Need to Know

Here at Essence Chiropractic and Wellness we offer many different services to help our patients maintain their health. We take great pride in being able to help people figure out any health issues they or their children may be experiencing. From oral ties, severe eczema, colic and even hormone balance we have been able to help people overcome their struggles. One of the services we offer is a GI Map from Diagnostic Solutions. Once you decide you would like to do a GI Map on yourself or your kiddo expect to do the following:

  • We will send you home with a kit where you will collect a stool sample. The kit will have all the instructions and items necessary to collect the sample. Once you have completed this step you’ll ship it off as soon as possible. Don’t worry there is a pre-paid shipping label in the kit.

  • This kit will include a form for you to fill out your personal information along with insurance information. Depending on your insurance they may be able to file the claim for you. Otherwise you will receive an itemized receipt to provide to your insurance for reimbursement. We advise our patients to plan on paying about $389 for this test. Once the lab receives your sample and information, they will contact you to discuss the process/cost moving forward.

  • The results will be sent to our office and from there we will set up an appointment to discuss the results and set up a treatment plan.

We believe understanding your gut health and treating the unique needs of your gut can have a positive impact on your overall health. This test will analyze the presence of good and bad bacteria in the gut and detect issues like parasites. Having this information will help us create a better treatment plan for any issues you may be experiencing.

Let us know in the comments how the GI Map has helped you along your health journey!

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Diaper Bag Essentials

Diaper Bag Packing List

If you are a new mom you are probably wondering what you really need to pack in the diaper bag. Maybe you have talked with other mom’s or watched videos on YouTube. It can all become very overwhelming. We have personally learned that less is more. Motherhood is really just a series of learning things as you go. Below we have broken it down into a list format to help your “pregnancy brain” digest this better and hopefully get some satisfaction from checking another thing off your nesting to-do list.

  1. A diaper bag- duh! Everyone has different taste. So pick something that you will feel good carrying around. Just make sure it has adequate storage pockets, and that its not too heavy.

  2. Diapers and Wipes.

  3. Extra change of clothes. Warning: At some point your baby will no doubt have an explosion at the worst time possible. We suggest having a couple of spare outfits, one in their current size and one in the next size up. There is nothing worse than going to change your babies poopy diaper and clothes only to realize they have outgrown everything overnight. Trust us on this one. Also add an extra shirt for you, for just in case ;)

  4. Snacks. Either for yourself or baby or both! Someone is bound to get hungry while you are out and about.

  5. Hand Sanitizer. Life is messier when you are a mom. It’s better to have this than to not. Our favorite is Thieves or Everyone.

  6. A cute little zipper pouch to put all your little extra things in whether it be a Paci, booger picker, diaper cream, extra hair ties or all of the above. This will be your saving grace when you find yourself needing something out of the ordinary.

  7. I personally liked to have my baby wrap with me for “just in case” situations that I wanted to baby wear.

  8. Water bottle, electrolytes. Remember to stay hydrated!

As your baby gets older and you get the hang of being a mama you will gain a better understanding of what you and your baby’s needs are. Don’t stress yourself out over what to pack in a diaper bag, I have been there and I am here to tell you to trust your instincts.

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The Benefits of Breastfeeding

The Benefits of Breastfeeding

When you become a Mother you learn firsthand just how amazing and divine your body is. Not only can our bodies carry and grow a baby for 9 months, we birth that baby and then can have the ability to nourish that baby with our breast by producing milk. It truly is a miracle. Throughout this blog we will discuss the benefits of breastfeeding and ways to support yourself so that you maintain your milk supply.

The Benefits:

  • You develop a special bond with your baby through breastfeeding, this is hard to explain with words its just something magical.

  • You save money on formula! This can help alleviate the cost of other things that inevitably come up when you have a baby.

  • Convenience. There is nothing better than being able to feed your baby on demand. No packing formula and bottles. No forgetting said packed up formula and bottles. No washing a a hundred little bottle pieces.

  • Your breastmilk is specially formulated to fit your babies needs throughout the many different stages of development. When your baby latches onto the breast there are little receptors around the nipple that read the saliva of your baby then, your body will produce milk specific to your babies needs. For example, if your baby happens to come down with a sickness your breastmilk will produce antibodies to support your baby.

  • Lowers the risk of postpartum depression- this is not talked about enough. Breastfeeding can be challenging. Especially during those first two weeks where you are just trying to figure it all out. Establishing a good breastfeeding rhythm with your baby can indeed help lower the risk of PPD. Being prepared and having the right support will help you achieve this. I know first hand how important this is. When I had my first baby I remember my milk came in three days after birth just like it was supposed to and I was completely unprepared. I never even got my breast pump out of the box and ready. I was sitting on my bed with my baby in tears, frustrated with myself. By this time my breasts were engorged and we were having issues latching. And by the grace of God in walks my sister in law, she had been dropping off food and my husband explained to her what was going on. In that moment she rescued me, I was new to all of this and she played a pivotal role in the success of  my breastfeeding journey with my first baby. Once you get the hang of breastfeeding you may sense that “feel good hormone” known as oxytocin, this hormone drives the letdown reflex when you begin each session. Along with that dose of oxytocin, breastfeeding also helps your body regulate all those postpartum hormones.

    How to support yourself during breastfeeding:

    • Most importantly, nourish yourself. Your body will be working constantly to produce milk. When you are well taken care of so is your baby. While you are in nesting mode focus on preparing freezer meals so you don’t have to worry bout what to eat after you give birth. I always loved prepping oatmeal muffins and breakfast casseroles to ensure I started each day well fed. We always say to try and hit at least 2400 calories a day.

    • Drink plenty of water! You will be pleasantly surprised how much this will help your milk supply. And take your vitamins, we recommend focusing on magnesium (there are different forms so be mindful) and beef organs (liver specially) to help your body replenish all the minerals that were depleted when you gave birth. Sticking to a minimum of 150oz of water a day is a great goal!

    • Have a support system, whether it be a sister in law who breastfed her six children, a lactation consultant or even your chiropractor. Being able to lean on someone when things get tough will make a huge difference!

    • Get adjusted. You will quickly learn that you will sacrifice your own comfort if it means keeping your baby happy. This will quickly lead to all sorts of aches and pains. Also keep in mind what your body just went through to bring your baby into this world. Keeping your nervous system regulated will help tremendously as you recover and go through the different phases of motherhood.

      There is so much to be said and learned when it comes to breastfeeding. If you find yourself on this journey and you need some guidance or resources please don’t hesitate to bring it up at your next appointment.



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Tummy Time with Your Baby

Tummy Time with Your Baby

You may find yourself snuggling your sweet newborn and then suddenly realizing you have been holding him constantly and totally forgotten about tummy time. Maybe you didn’t even realize the importance of tummy time until your pediatrician brought it up. Give yourself grace as you learn all the new things that come along with being a mama. Keep enjoying the newborn snuggles but this is your gentle reminder of how important tummy time really is.

What is tummy time?

  • Tummy time is just laying your baby on their tummy for brief periods of time while they are awake. You may already be doing tummy time with your baby and not realize it. Snuggling your baby chest to chest is a great way to integrate tummy time when they are young. This allows them to look up at you and strengthen their neck and shoulder muscles as they develop fine motor skills.

What is the purpose of tummy time?

  • Consistently having tummy tummy time will help your baby meet their developmental milestones such as rolling over, sitting up on their own, crawling and then walking.

  • Tummy times helps your baby avoid flat head syndrome. Spending too much time on their back can lead to flat spots on their head and can sometimes lead to having to wear a helmet to correct the issue.

  • A lot of babies tend to favor one side, this is known as torticollis. Tight neck muscles make it difficult for baby to turn their head. Tummy time encourages them to look up and turn their heads to observe their surroundings or toys you have laid out.

How do I do tummy time?

  • My personal favorite is chest to chest during the first few months. This just helps with bonding and comfort for the baby. Some babies can get pretty frustrated during tummy time. You can also lay them across your lap for a few minutes at a time. As they become stronger you can do longer periods of tummy time.

  • As baby gets older you can lay them on the floor and encourage them by placing toys around them or laying on the opposite side of them and singing so they will turn their head to look at you. Right now my toddler loves helping baby brother with tummy time.

  • Place baby on an exercise ball is also a great way to have them practice tummy time while working on neck and back strength.

  • Holding baby in a football hold is a super easy way to calm a fussy baby but also make sure that they spend some time on their stomach.

Tummy time may seem like such a simple activity but trust us this will set your baby up for success as they develop. If you need more guidance please feel free to bring it up at your next appointment!

Source: https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/tummy-time.html

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Does my baby have an oral tie?

Does my baby have an oral tie?

You may be asking yourself this question if your baby is having trouble latching on to breastfeed.  There are many factors to consider when breastfeeding becomes an issue, oral ties being one of them. If you feel your baby may have a lip or tongue tie that is affecting their ability to latch on, listen to your motherly instinct and find a provider that can help you troubleshoot the issue.

The two common oral ties are:

  • Lip tie-  when the tissue connecting the lip to gum line is too short and tight

  • Tongue tie- the tissue under the tongue is also tight and can cause issues with the tongues range of motion

Things to Look Out for:

  • Excessive gas and burping

  • Releasing their latch frequently during feeding

  • Pain while nursing

  • Hard time gaining weight

  • Excessive hiccups

  • Does not hold on to a pacifier

  • Baby chomps on the breast/nipple/bottle

  • Clicking while feeding

  • Milk drooling from side of mouth

  • Tongue doesn’t have wide range of motion

Who Can Help:

  • Lactation Consultant- Can help asses the issues and symptoms you are experiencing while providing helpful tips/support

  • Pediatric Dentist- Can release the tie through laser therapy

  • Chiropractor- We provide support before and after oral tie revisions to ensure better recovery, oral and cranial work to release tension regardless of revision

When you schedule your baby’s first visit with us one of the things we do during that initial exam is asses their oral structure, cranium and full spine. We can help you identify whether or not your baby has a tie and what you can do to support them. A lot of times doctors pressure parents into getting a laser procedure done without any therapy, we like to take a chiropractic approach and try to release tension in the mouth with routine adjustments and therapy. We prefer this gentle approach however, if a revision is deemed necessary we can connect you to some of our most trusted providers.

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Homemade Chocolate Pudding

Homemade Chocolate Pudding

When you become a mom you quickly learn you have to become creative to survive. Especially when it comes to toddlers. It is totally normal for your toddler to go through different stages of eating habits. They are just figuring out everything and I have learned it is best to not pressure them but instead offer them healthy alternatives. I have noticed that including my strong willed little girl in the preparation of her food has made her more likely to eat whatever it is. This stage of development is all about learning to communicate, making this recipe together can be fun for your little and rewarding for you when they eat a nutritious alternative to pudding.


  • Two ripe bananas

  • One ripe avocado

  • Two Tablespoons of Cacao ( We buy ours at Costco)

  • 1/4 cup of raw honey (You can adjust this to your sweetness preference)

  • 1/4 cup of cold water or milk of your choice


  • Add all ingredients to a blender in the order listed above and blend.

  • You should end up with a pudding like consistency!

My daughter likes to call these her chocolate smoothies, we make one just about every morning and its the only way I can sneak in her probiotic or any other supplement I may be giving her that day. Let us know in the comments how you have had to get creative when it comes to surviving those splendid toddler years!

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Homemade Marshmallows

Homemade Marshmallows

As summer finally kicks off you may find yourself around a campfire making S’mores. We love this classic treat however you might be surprised when you read the ingredient label on standard marshmallows. With corn syrup typically being the first ingredient they just aren’t great for you. Below you can find our favorite easy recipe for homemade marshmallows you can feel good about eating.

Maple Vanilla Marshmallows


  • 1 cup of filtered water

  • 3 1/2 scoops of Perfect Supplements gelatin

  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla

  • 1/3 cup of organic maple syrup


  • Bloom your gelatin in cold water (we like to sprinkle evenly over the water to avoid clumping)

  • Once it is bloomed add it to a saucepan and turn the heat to medium. Dissolve the gelatin and then add the maple syrup and vanilla.

  • Remove the mixture from the heat and and whip it with an electric mixer or a standing mixer.

  • This may take about 15-20 minutes. You’ll know its ready when its whipped, thick and fluffy.

  • Quickly pour your fluff into a glass casserole dish and let it set in the fridge for at least 4 hours.

  • Cut into cubes and enjoy!

  • If you plan to store these we suggest tossing the cubes in some coconut flour and transferring to an airtight container. (This will prevent them from sticking together)

Benefits of Homemade Marshmallows

  • Can stabilize blood sugar levels

  • Using a high quality gelatin like the one from Perfect Supplements is great for improving gut health

  • Great source of protein

There are so many variations of homemade marshmallows once you get the hang of it you can really have fun with it!

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Benefits of Beef Liver

Benefits of Beef Liver

Lately there has been a lot of buzz about adding beef liver to your supplement routine and you are probably wondering “Eww why?”.  Beef liver has always been a powerhouse of beneficial vitamins and minerals however people are just now realizing all the amazing benefits thus why you are probably hearing all about it. It also helps that we now have the luxury of taking it in a capsule if you can’t stomach fresh beef liver. Known as nature’s multivitamin, beef liver is a whole food source of almost all the vitamins and minerals your body craves. Particularly high in choline, B12, folate and vitamins A,D,E and K, beef liver is beyond nutrient dense. When shopping for beef liver you want to ensure it is of high quality. Look for grass fed and pasture raised. Some of our trusted brands are:

  • Code Age (This can be purchased at your next visit)

  • Perfect Supplements

  • Heart and Soil

  • We also love getting the organ grind from Behind the Oaks Farm if you are brave enough to work it into your dinner plans. Making meatballs is a great way to hide the liver taste.

Also keep in mind beef liver is great for your little ones too! A great way to give them this is to break open a capsule and mix it into a smoothie or put it on a spoon with some apple sauce. Beef liver is a much better alternative to the traditional gummy vitamins marketed towards kids. When starting with beef liver be sure to start off slow and take small amounts. It also helps to take this kind of supplement with food.

So overall what can beef liver do for you?

  • Improve your hormone balance

  • Support healthy iron levels during pregnancy

  • Increase energy

  • And so much more!

We hope you feel encouraged to try out this supplement, but if you have specific questions or health goals please don’t hesitate to bring it up at your next visit!

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How to Pick a Pediatrician

How to Pick a Pediatrician

As a first time mom I remember my midwife asking me during one of our appointments if I had decided on a pediatrician. It was something I hadn’t put much thought into because I knew I didn’t want to do the traditional route with my child right away. And it was just one of those things that slipped my mind. It can be so overwhelming planning for the arrival of a new baby and thinking of all the things necessary to take care of a little human. Here at Essence we have a great relationship with numerous pediatricians around San Antonio and can point you in the right direction. Some things to consider when picking a pediatrician are:

  1. Vaccines. It’ll be one of the main things your pediatrician will discuss with you. If you plan not to or delay or do a selective schedule, you might prefer seeing someone who respects this and will not pressure you into anything. If you are unsure we encourage you to do independent research so that you can make an informed decision for your child.

  2. Are you willing to pay out of pocket for a PD? Some pediatricians don’t accept insurance at all if its a private practice. If you find one you like you can always call to see if they accept your insurance or what their rates are.

  3. Look at their ratings and reviews to see what level of experience they offer their patients. You can also ask other fellow mama’s who their kids see to get a feel for who you might align with. Its always nice when you feel like you get that real personable experience with your doctor.

  4. Location is not a big deal for us personally. I would rather travel to see a doctor who respects my decisions as a parent then to see someone next door who is the opposite of that.

  5. Easy access. If they are unavailable, do they have someone else at their office you can see. If its an emergency or somethings last minute, how flexible are they. Do they do house calls. These are all good things to consider.

  6. Up to date with knowledge. How educated and informed are they in breastfeeding, formula options, gross motor milestones, natural options.

It is always important to establish a relationship with a trusted pediatrician in the case your baby gets sick and needs to be seen. You will also want to take them in for their well child visits to ensure they are meeting all their milestones.

Information regarding Vaccines:

  • justtheinserts.com

  • Book- The Vaccine Friendly Plan (This book was written by a pediatrician and offers information but also alternative vaccine schedules)

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Detox Bath

Detox Bath Recipe and Benefits

One of the the things we implement into our routine pretty regularly is a detox bath. You have probably been encouraged to give your kid a detox bath when they are sick however there are so many other benefits!

Benefits can Include:

  • Soothing sore muscles

  • Flushing toxins from the body ( I especially love a good detox bath after chlorine exposure)

  • Improved sleep quality

  • Can relieve constipation

  • Improve skin health ( The first thing we do when our daughter has an eczema flare up is a detox bath)

  • Boosts overall health and well-being ( Who doesn’t feel better after a nice relaxing bath?!)

Now how does a detox bath actually work?

The main ingredient in a detox bath is epsom salt, which stimulates the detoxification pathways. Adding magnesium flakes helps support the body as it detox’s. Did you know know magnesium helps support over 300 bodily functions? This mineral is crucial for good health. Baking soda is another key ingredient due to its detoxing effects however it can also sooth skin irritations and itchiness.

Items to always have on hand for a detox bath:

  • Epsom Salt

  • Baking Soda

  • Magnesium Flakes

  • Lavender and/or Frakencense essential oil (Our favorite brand is Young Living, quality is important when using essential oils)

  • You can even add a splash of ACV to help balance the skins Ph balance if you are trying to soothe an eczema flare up

  • A bath filter (linked on our Amazon storefront) baking soda helps neutralize any contaminants that may be in the water however if you are regularly taking baths this could be a good investment


  • 1 cup of epsom salt

  • 1 cup of baking soda

  • 1 cup of magnesium flakes

  • 10 drops of essential oil (mixed in with salts) before adding to water)

  • Soak for at least 20 minutes and be sure to hydrate after your bath

Feel free to adjust this recipe to your preferences or to whatever you have on hand. Let us know how detox baths have helped you!

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Dry Brushing

Dry Brushing

What is dry brushing?

  • Dry brushing is done right before getting in the shower, done with a dry brush you simply stroke your skin for 3-5 minutes. We suggest brushing towards the heart as that is the direction your lymph flows and where blood goes to circulate through the body.


  • The top benefit of try brushing is that this technique stimulates your lymphatic system and promotes the elimination of toxins. Oftentimes our lymphatic system can become sluggish dry brushing can help support this bodily function.

  • Exfoliation! The coarse bristles of your brush will brush away dry, dead skin cells. Who doesn’t want happy, healthy and glowing skin?!

  • It is also believed dry brushing can reduce the appearance of cellulite. This exfoliation technique increases blood flow and can help the body break up the stagnant fat cells causing the cellulite.

  • Dry brushing can be a relaxing part of your self care routine. I personally enjoy spritzing my brush with lavender essential oil for a calming effect.

Why should I dry brush?

  • Dry brushing may seem like another trendy beauty routine but this practice actually originated in India over 5,000 years ago. In India dry brushing is known as “garshana” which is the Ayurvedic practice of “massaging dry skin for health.” The great thing about dry brushing is that is a simple, budget friendly technique that can greatly improve your health.



Our favorite dry brush:


Let us know how dry brushing has helped you!

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A Letter to the Mom with an Empty Nest

A Letter to the Mom with an Empty Nest

Hey Mama,

I myself do not have an empty nest and to tell you the truth, my mind can’t even fathom the idea of ever having an empty nest. But I know one day I will wake up to an empty nest and I will have to rediscover my purpose in this world. My hope for you is that as Mother’s Day rolls around your babies still honor and treasure all the things you have done for them over the years. Whether you know it or not you have impacted your child in many ways and you did the best you could through the many different seasons of motherhood. Find strength in knowing you accomplished the most important job within our society and raised a new generation. Keep in mind that although you may have an “empty nest” us kids will never stop needing our mama’s. I see it all the time in the way women lean on their mom’s as they begin the journey of motherhood or how men still crave their mom’s cooking.

If you find yourself with an empty nest and your babies living far away, I encourage you to lean on other mama’s with an empty nest and plan something fun. You dedicated your life to raising children and now it is time for you to rediscover who you are apart from your children. Embrace this new season with a fresh perspective!


A Fellow Mama

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A Letter to the Mom Mourning a Loss

Hey Mama,

Mother’s Day can stir up a lot of different emotions. For some of us that means thinking about what should’ve been. Loss looks different for all of us and unfortunately more women carry the burden of loss than we are aware of. I will never forget my first miscarriage. I miscarried in January 2020 and would have been due around the same time as one of my sister-in-laws. As Mother’s Day neared I felt strong and thought I would be just fine. Then I remember getting together with my sister-in-laws and as we all greeted each other one of them whispered into my ear “Happy Mother’s Day”. I just about crumbled right there on the spot and although I held it together for the most part, I couldn’t help but be overwhelmed with a sense of realization that Mother’s Day is also for the women who didn't get to keep their babies earth-side. I wasn’t expecting to be recognized as a mother and it was one of the most bittersweet moments of my life. There are so many stories of loss that are bottled up within us and Mother’s Day can be hard. I hope you feel encouraged to find a safe person to open up to and lean on during this season. There can be beauty in loss, it changes your perspective and gives you this deeper appreciation for the babies you do have or the miracle babies that are on the way. If you know somebody who has experienced loss, take some time to recognize them and make them feel seen. That moment with my sister-in-law had a huge positive impact on my healing journey, you could very well be that person for someone too.


A Fellow Mama

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A Letter to the New Mom

A Letter to the New Mom

Hey Mama,

Happy Mother’s Day! This may be your first Mother’s Day with a sweet new baby in your arms. And if so congratulations! You may be experiencing a wide range of feelings and emotions as you get to be celebrated this month. As you have probably learned by now, motherhood is the greatest thing but also one of the hardest things. Trust me when the days and nights feel so long you will soon realize the years are too short.

Take some time this month to journal and reflect on this journey to becoming a mother and all the moments you have cherished since then. Making this a tradition will give you and your baby something to look back on someday and serve as reminder of how far you have come.

Give yourself grace. Being a new mom is hard in simple terms. You along with your baby are learning so much together. There is not a single perfect mom out there although it may seem that way when you are scrolling through social media. Your relationship with your baby is like no other, don’t let comparison be the thief of your joy.

Set some expectations as to how you would like to be honored for Mother’s Day. Being a mom can be a thankless job sometimes which is why I believe they dedicated a day to us. Don’t feel guilty about what your mama heart is craving, you are deserving of all the pampering that comes with celebrating Mother’s Day. One of the best things you can do as a mom is take care of yourself. When you are well taken care of you are better equipped to take care of your littles.

It’ll get better. Although you may have a newborn in your arms, one day you will have a sweet five year old running up to you with a sweet Mother’s Day craft from school and your mama heart will turn to mush.


A Fellow Mama

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Birth Plan

Birth Plan

To whom it may concern,

I (Mother’s Name), would like to request the below options during my birth at (Facility Name). All procedures and medications will only be given/administered upon my consent. In the case that I am unable to give consent, PARTNER NAME/RELATIONSHIP will make decisions on my behalf. We ask to be accompanied by our doula, NAME for physical, emotional and informative support at all times.

During Labor:

We would like,

Some examples:

  • No vaginal exams unless requested

  • Relaxing music and dimmed lighting

  • Limited hospital staff in room; no students

  • No routine IV unless medically necessary, if deemed necessary please use a heparin lock

  • Movement for mom

  • External Monitors

  • Use of essential oils

  • Have doula present

After Birth:

We Would like,

Some examples:

  • Immediate skin to skin

  • Delay cord clamping until pulsating finished, (minimum of 8 minutes)

  • Respect of golden hour to include dimmed lighting and hushed voices

Newborn Care:

We would like,

Some examples:

  • All routine checks for vital signs are to be done while mother holds baby

  • Baby to stay with parents at all times, no nursery visits

  • Include whether or not you want your child to be vaccinated (vitamin k and Hep B) and if circumcision is to be performed, as well as eye ointment (for STD prevention)

We thank you in advance for your support, kindness and respect to our choices. We look forward to a wonderful birth.


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Birth Matters- Have a Plan!

Birth Matters- Have a Plan!

Getting that positive pregnancy test can be so exciting but also come with a lot of overwhelming questions for some. “What now?” Too many first time moms go with the standard route of care only to find themselves troubled over how their birth experience was. We want to encourage you to make strong informed decisions for you and your baby. One way to do this is to find a provider that aligns with your values and is respectful of your choices. Whether you use an OB and birth in a hospital or find a midwife you can achieve the birth of your dreams. A great way to achieve this is to have a plan! We have a template attached to help get you started. Take some time to deeply consider what is important to you and your partner. Here are some things to consider:

  • Do you want a natural birth or medical intervention such as induction or an epidural?

  • Who do you want in attendance at your birth? Choose wisely because some people, although you love them dearly are not ideal people to have in the room while you are laboring. Consider whether or not they will support your choices or become frantic. Negative energy can hinder a woman’s labor.

  • Do you want to vaccinate your baby, administer eye ointment and/or circumcise? These can be hard and uncomfortable topics to discuss. Again we encourage parents to make informed decisions that way you don’t find yourself regretting or feeling guilty about what you decided for you and your family. It also helps to consider these things before birth that way you don’t find yourself making last minute decisions you were unaware of. In the long run having these discussions will help your birth go smoother.

  • What do you want golden hour to look like for you and your baby? Envision this and put it in your birth plan.

  • At what point will you accept the idea of having a c-section should one become necessary? Sometimes doctors can simply become impatient and scare a woman into having a c-section even though it is truly not medically necessary. And sometimes a c-section is truly necessary- and that is okay. Consider what this could look like for you and have a back up birth plan should a c-section become necessary. Refer to our previous blogs regarding c-sections for more insight.

  • Lastly, think about other women’s birth stories. What did it look like for them? It can help to lean on a friend and ask about their experience and then consider if that is what you want your experience to look like.

Once your birth plan is complete print it out and sign it along with your partner. You can present a copy to your provider at your prenatal appointment and discuss it. If you are faced with a sense of disregard towards your wishes, stand your ground and keep in mind that this provider works for you. Also have a copy packed in your bag in the case you plan to birth outside of a hospital and end up in one.

No matter what choices you make we hope that you achieve the birth of your dreams. If you are a new mom visit our amazon store front and skim through our favorite books, these can provide you the information and insight you may be looking for.

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6 Steps to Healing your Birth Trauma

6 Steps to Healing your Birth Trauma

As women we often find ourselves carrying burdens and trauma that is unseen to most people. Too often we suppress the things we struggle with just to survive. We play such an important role as mother’s and we owe it to ourselves and our children to face trauma and heal from it. Birth trauma is a common issue among women yet there is still this insecurity when it comes to talking about it. If you are carrying a sense of shame and regret please know that you are not alone. In fact you may be surprised once you open up about your trauma other women will start to feel comfortable sharing their stories of trauma. Below you will find our six steps to healing from your birth trauma,

  1. Be patient with yourself and give yourself permission to feel however you feel

  2. Journal or create art. Find ways to share your story for yourself.

  3. Find someone you trust to share your story with.

  4. Know that each time you share your story, you get to process your feelings in your own way at your own speed.

  5. Be mindful of birthdays, which are anniversaries of your experience.

  6. Healing means the story of your birth becomes apart of your life and a celebration of your strength.

Starting the trend of healing from birth trauma can start with you. Let your story be an inspiration to other women to open up and begin the process of healing. If you have gone through trauma and feel comfortable sharing please feel free to bring it up at your next visit so we can better support you on the road to healing.

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